Monday, June 3, 2019

Rome city of cannabis shops and mini markets

Yesterday was La Repubblica Day.It marked the time when Italy made man and Satan supreme instead of God.
I do not watch TV but men and women may have marched together  on the streets of Rome, reminding us that they work and live together, outside of marriage, have sexual temptations, succumb, and will go to the fires of Hell for all eternity. Where 'the worm dieth not and the fire is never extinguished'.
Usually a pro-Communist and pro-Mason President  will salute the marchers  and they in turn will do the same.
If the pope says that men and women in the army  should not live together and neither should girls and boys study together in the schools, there will be a protest from the Satanists and those who  naively consider themselves, only liberal.
It would be different if this was a Catholic state and the Constitution  considered God and not man supreme. Rome would remember its saints and martyrs.
 Image result for Photo cannabis shops in RomeImage result for Photo mini markets Bangladeshi n Rome
Now Rome is a city of cannabis and mini markets with abortion available on demand.The Constitution and its laws  support, homosexual unions, pornography and Satan.It helps you to get where the fire is never extinguished.It is non stop.
The beautiful churches and religious architecture is still a big consolation.It's beauty and majesty still make Rome the most beautiful city in the world.In architecture no city can match Rome. Prague may come close.
St. Peters' still has an architectural  beauty and the Vatican is still there.
God still loves His Mystical Body the Church, outside of which no one can go to Heaven.
The pope represents Jesus Christ but in a republic which supports Masonic values,he often is asked to represent Satan instead of Christ.
He lives in Italy where Catholics are not free to follow their religion.The objections are there in the name of pluralism, or another secular name to suppress Jesus and His Church.
So all that marching yesterday in the name of liberation was also a celebration of suppression and repression, for those who hate God and His only Church and are presently in power in Italy..
-Lionel Andrades

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