Saturday, June 1, 2019

So when he realized that the 'magisterium' had really made a mistake everything fell into place : the interpretations became rational and Vatican Council II was not a rupture with the past ecclesiology and EENS

A few years later one of the first priests who would agree with me was Fr. Maximillian dei Gasparri F.I. He was the Italian Rector of the Franciscans of the Immaculate church in Lungotevere, Rome, near the Vatican.
He was a young priest who was trying to resolve his personal confusion on the salvation issue.He chose special subjects at the Pontifical Holy Crross university, of the Opus Dei in Rome  to make things clear for himself. When I spoke with a him a few times on this subject he finally had an insight and was moved.     It all became clear to him. It was an experience for me too.Defacto there is no real baptism of desire he knew. De jure, in principle, one could accept a baptism of desire. If one says that de facto there is a baptism of desire this is heresy. Since the dogma EENS is rejected.This is confusion. 
So another human being, had agreed with me.This was some consolation. Otherwise , I was on my own, alone, arguing against everyone. My only friends were Jesus, Our Lady and my Guardian Angel. 1

Before this insight Fr. Maximillian dei Gaspari would assume that the Magisterium is always correct( and I agree with him, he is correct). Most of us Catholics begin with this premise.
The Magisterium is always correct.Yes it is !
But when a pope or a Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith makes an error it is a human mistake. It is not the teaching of the Holy Spirit. It is not magisterial.
So there are sometimes when a pope or a CDF -Prefect can make a mistake or be influenced by a particular lobby to change the teachings of the Catholic Church.
In Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus,Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the CDF, reminds us to follow the Magisterium implying that RM and DI was magisterial and without error.
But he would have known that a false premise and inference was made in the Boston Case and it was repeated at Vatican Council II. Perhaps his appointment as Prefect of the CDF was made to preserve or hide this error in the Church and let it pass off as a magisterial teaching.
As the Prefect of the CDF he maintained the false narrative in the Catholic Church when he had a chance to correct it with Redemptoris Missio.  

Redemptoris Missio has a theology which is Cushingite and not Feeneyite.The result is heresy. It is a rejection of the traditional, rational interpreation of the baptism of desire etc.So there is a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). The Creeds and Catechisms have their meaning changed and the Athanasius Creed is rejected. The Syllabus of Errors is made obsolete.So there is no more the past exlusive ecclesiology with an ecumenism of return. All this is not magisterial but heretical.
So once Fr.Gasparri had an insight into this, he realized that the mistake was made by the popes and the CDF.He had to get rid of his original premise on the Magisterium being always correct and that the present popes could not make a mistake on faith and morals.
He knew there were no defacto cases of the baptism of desire. This is  a fact of life. This is a given.
So when the CDF assumes there are de facto and practical exceptions to the dogma EENS, it implies there are known cases of the baptism of desire etc.
This is irrational. It violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.
So how could this be magisterial ?
Once it is known that there are only hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(LG 14) and invincible ignorance(LG 16) etc then the interpretation of Vatican Council II changes. The Council( without the error) is in harmony with magisterial documents. The Creeds and Catechisms are in harmony with Vatican Council II. This is rational and this would be magisterial.
So when he realized that the 'magisterium' had really made a mistake everything fell into place : the interpretations became rational and Vatican Council II was not a rupture with the past ecclesiology and EENS.-Lionel Andrades


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