Friday, June 7, 2019

The new role of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith( CDF) will be to uphold the interpretation of Vatican Council II and all magisterial documents with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism. So heresy will continue to be the norm.

VATICAN |  MAY. 29, 2019
Pope Francis walks towards the St. Peter’s Basilica in  St. Peter’s Square during the Wednesday general audience on April 24.
Draft of Vatican’s New Curial Constitution Would Reform Lines of Authority
VATICAN CITY — According to a draft of a new constitution for the Roman Curia, almost all Vatican departments will become known as “dicasteries,” and the newly named Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith will shift from being the second- to the third-most important Vatican department.
The draft places new and significant emphasis on mission and charitable works as the Vatican’s key duties. It also reveals a shift toward greater authority for episcopal conferences, one which modifies the relationship between Curial officials, bishops and the Pope as part of a push toward decentralization.
The Roman Curia, based on the “ecclesiology of Vatican II,” exercises its service to the bishops “in respect to collegiality, synodality and subsidiarity due to the successors of the apostles,” the draft states...

Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
The dicastery will continue many of the same roles it had before to “promote and protect the integrity of Catholic doctrine on faith and morals,” but with some changes.
Article 68.1 states that the dicastery is to “encourage and support the study and reflection on the understanding of the faith and on the development of theology in different cultures, in the life of challenges of the signs of the times, in such a way as provide an answer to the questions that arise from the progress of science and the evolution of civilizations.”
The following article (69.1) says the dicastery will work “in close contact” with bishops and bishops’ conferences “who have the first responsibility in the particular Churches and are also subjects of concrete attributions, also including some authentic doctrinal authority.”
Such cooperation between the dicastery and the bishops “applies above all to the granting of permission to teach in the Church, where the dicastery will be active in the sense of subsidiarity.”
On safeguarding the truth, the text says the dicastery “examines writings and opinions that appear contrary to the right faith or dangerous; seeks dialogue with their authors, and presents appropriate remedies to be provided.” Article 70 (A) says it must works to ensure that dangerous errors and doctrines, which may have been spread among the Christian people, are not spread without adequate refutation.”(Emphasis added)

The new role of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith( CDF) will be to uphold the interpretation of Vatican Council II and all magisterial documents with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism. So heresy will continue to be the norm.
Those Catholics who object to this heresy will not be given permission to teach theology.The dicastery will examine their writings and opinions if they appear contrary to the right faith'.
The right faith for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) last March 1 was to interpret Lumen Gentium 8 as referring to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So they were postulated as being exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. 
Then in March 2016 Pope Benedict confirmed that extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century, for him. Since there was 'a development' with Vatican Council II,interpreted by him with Cushingism. This is the right faith, also, for Pope Francis, even if it was heretical for the Magisterium in the 16th century.
So presently Dr. John Rao, Prof. Joseph Shaw, Thomas Pink,Phil Lawler, Anthony Esolen and John Lamont and so many other Catholics are given permission to teach philosophy and theology since they interpret Vatican Council II like Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.
Since the Sacraments of the Church are not necessary in general for salvation for the present two popes, the dicastery is to “encourage and support the study and reflection on the understanding of the faith and on the development of theology in different cultures', in the Amazon Jesus will be proclaimed without the moral and faith teachings of the Catholic Church.

Similarly the new single international service, Charis – Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service will be inaugurated officially on 9th June next, the Solemnity of Pentecost. On the same day, ICCRS and Catholic Fraternity will cease to exist. Charis, established at the request of Pope Francis, will mark a new stage in the Catholic charismatic Renewal as a current of grace in the heart of the Church.It will be open to other Christian communities too.-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 3, 2019

A false concept of mission and salvation is expected to be announced this June 29th, the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul.It will be heretical. All Catholics will have to follow it or be legally declared non Catholic

JUNE 5, 2019

Fr. Gabriele Rossi, who has a doctorate in Canon Law has signed the Open Letter to the Bishops accusing Pope Francis of heresy

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