Saturday, June 15, 2019

Una Voce has taken note of the Traditional Latin Mass being forbidden by the Knights of Malta but has not taken notice of the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta and Una Voce interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.

Una Voce has taken note of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM)being forbidden by the Knights of Malta(KOM) but has not taken notice of the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta and Una Voce interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.
Una Voce could also acknowledge that the Knights of Malta, like Una Voce, interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)  with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.So the Knights and Una Voce, in their different liturgical rites, attend Holy Mass  with the new ecclesiology and new theology based on irrational Cushingism.
They both do not affirm Vatican Council II and EENS with Feeneyism and then attend Holy Mass.
So Cardinal Raymond Burke offers the TLM with the new theology.He interprets salvation theology with the the same reasoning as the Grand Master of the KOM.
The Archbishop of Malta uses Cushingism in faith and morals .Amoris Laetitia was Cushingite.Since we do not know of any exception to the traditional teaching on mortal sin and we cannot claim to judge a person in manifest mortal sin as being an exception.
Similarly we dont know of an exception to the dogma EENS and we cannot judge any one in particular as being an exception , who does not need to enter the Catholic Church; someone who does not need Catholic faith and the baptism of water for salvation.-Lionel Andrades

 NOVEMBER 29, 2018

Una Voce,LMS to invite Bishop Athanasius Schneider and will overlook sacrilege

MAY 8, 2018

Latin Mass Society of England and Wales and the SSPX have changed theology and doctrine on salvation Joseph Shaw agrees

NOVEMBER 28, 2018

Oath of Fidelity of Bishops has become an Oath Supporting Modernism. It is infedelity with the past Magisterium

  November 28, 2018

This is the doctrine the two popes reject : valid Holy Mass but in sacrilege

NOVEMBER 27, 2018

 Image result for Photo of Pope Francis at Mass

Pope Francis' Holy Mass is a sacrilege for him even if it is valid : public mortal sins of faith, rejection of de fide doctrine with an irrational premise and inference
NOVEMBER 26, 2018The Mass is valid but the priest is in known heresy and so the Mass is a sacrilege for him. : Pope Francis and Archbishop Guido Pozzo
NOVEMBER 26, 2018After the Council Catholics were expected to believe, according to the common interpretation, that there was salvation outside the Church.
NOVEMBER 25, 2018
Image result for Photo of SSPX superior generalVatican-SSPX doctrinal talks second round : clarification on two points needed 
 Poland celebrates the feast of Christ the King tomorrow but with official heresy and schism and leftist interpretations of philosophy and theology approved by Pope Francis and Cardinal Pietro Parolin
NOVEMBER 24, 2018Traditional Latin Mass is valid even when the priest offering it is in manifest mortal sin : Guido Pozzo in scandal

 Pope Francis simply has to interpret the BOD, BOB and I.I as not being exceptions to EENS : heresy and sacrilege end (Graphics ) 
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