Tuesday, June 4, 2019

We chose our God

May 24, 2019

 Image result for Processione in Riparazione del Gay Pride Roma 9 Giugno 2018,

Should Christians perform Deliverance and minor excorcisms along Gay Pride routes next month during the marches ? 



Jesus is the only Saviour of the world and outside Jesus in the Catholic Church no one goes to Heaven.
Jesus has died and is risen for each of us , who could go to Hell with our sins,our slavery to Satan earth and then slaves in Hell.
We will see slavery to Satan this June 9 in Rome when the Gay Pride float moves from the British Embassy to the Gay Street near the Colloseaum. 

There could be people in the parade who have a nominal belief in God and even Jesus but are unable to break the bonds of sexual demons. They have not had a deliverance which is effective. So they remain slaves of Satan on earth and will follow him for all eternity in Hell.
But those who believe in Jesus have faith in Him,love Him, have their sins  transferred on Him; placed upon Jesus' Death and Sacrfice and so they are erased from their soul. They are forgiven. This is the love of God the Father for us.But Satan is still there on earth and the governments are supporting Satan. 

Evangelical Christians who have freed homosexual and lesbians from Satan are being persecuted by leftist goverments. They are accused as charlatans and faith healers. Even when they have freed people from their sickness  and disease they are criticized since they bring people to Jesus. They are now being accused of being sects and pushed out of society.

We know all we  do  for salvation is believe Jesus, love Him for  whom He is, love Him for his Sacrifice for each of us and he will break the chains of Satan so that we can live his teachings according to the Bible and the Traditions of the Catholic Church.Yes according to the Magisterium of the past and not always according to the present two popes.

Whatever may happen in the Catholic Church today; the pressure on the popes ,the change in allegiance,the intolerance and persecution, we still follow and love Jesus.We trust in Him. We don't have a vague image of God, instead we have a real person. Our God chose to become a man, to live and suffer like us human beings, whom he created.Even if tomorrow the Sacraments of the Church are not available, for whatever reason, we still have Jesus in our Heart and in his personal Presence, which is our only consolation.Then when the time comes to die we proclaim our Faith in Him as the only Saviour .We choose our God and we die with Him  and  for Him.
-Lionel Andrades

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