Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chartres Pilgrimage

Image result for Photo Chartres PilgrimageImage result for Photo Chartres PilgrimageImage result for Photo Chartres PilgrimageImage result for Photo Chartres Pilgrimage 

The youth at the Chartres Pilgrimage are not being told that they are wrongly interpreting  magisterial documents  with Cushingism instead of rational Feeneyism.So their premises are irrational and conclusions are non traditional and this is not the theology which accompanied the Mass of the Centuries.
The Mass of the centuries- in Greek, Latin and the vernacular, has the same exclusivist theology of the Catholic Church. It does not change.
-Lionel Andrades

Image result for Photo Chartres PilgrimageImage result for Photo Chartres Pilgrimage

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