Tuesday, July 23, 2019

If Vatican Council II is interpreted with Feeneyism then we go back to the old ecclesiology.Mission motivation would be traditional .It would be the same at all rites. Even at the Novus Ordo Mass the priest would affirm the old ecclesiology and evangelisation.We would be back to the Ancient Mass, which would not be restricted to Latin.It would include Mass in the vernacular and the Greek Mass which preceded the one in Latin.

JULY 18, 2019

The Case for Liturgical Restoration: Book Review by Charles Coulombe

The papers never argue – they rather explain the rationale behind every aspect of the Mass that might cause questions in the modern Catholic mind. The first major part (pp. 1–168) attempts to explain “Why the Ancient Mass Is as It Is.” This focuses primarily on areas wherein the rite differs from that of 1969 – in other words, what would immediately hit the practicing Catholic who had never experienced such a Mass before. The priest facing ad orientem, the head coverings on the ladies, communion in one kind, the periods of silence, lack of altar girls, and much else besides are examined in detail. But all this is done very much on its own terms; in other words, the point of the book is not to say expressly that these things are better than what is done in the Novus Ordo, but simply why they are done in this manner in the usus antiquior.

The Ancient Mass is not is as it was.
The priest faces ad orientem but he will not say that all non Catholics need to enter the Church to avoid Hell and there are no known exceptions. There are no exceptions.Even when they are informed the priests will not proclaim this ancient teaching of the Catholic Church. This is a major rupture with the theology of the Mass for the missionaries in the 16th century.
There are other differences too.

 But the second major part of the book (pp. 169–297) is a truly powerful and extraordinarily important contribution to liturgical literature: “The Ancient Mass and Evangelization.” The first portion of that section deals with what might be called “internal evangelization” – how things like the Eucharistic fast and Holy Days of Obligation reinforce the Faith among the faithful in a world that constantly denies it. The second is devoted to the utility of the “old Mass” as a means of external evangelization – or to be clear, drawing souls to Christ. This is handled both in a general way, against the backdrop of modern culture, and as regards bringing the Gospel to specific groups: children and youths, New Agers, Chinese, Africans, Jews, Muslims, etc. – all of whom have immortal souls that Christ died to redeem and bring to Himself for eternity. Again – simple home truths that we are often too sophisticated to remember.

The Ancient Mass does not exist any more since the ecclesiology and theology is new.The Novus Ordo and Latin Mass is offered today with the New Theology and New Ecclesiology.There is a new,limited evangelisation.
The theology and doctrines are new.So Pope Francis encourages the Latin Mass all over the world.The Mass today is Cushingite. In the past it was Feeneyite.
The  ecclesiology has been changed with Cushingism,There is a new evangelisation,  with other Christians.It is no more believed that they are all Hell-oriented.So why does this book cite the Old Mass with its Old Theology and Ecclesiology, which does not exist any more ?.How can it be a model for evangelisation when Cushingism replaces Feeneyism at different level?
Joseph Shaw  who has edited the book is a liberal.He  teaches at leftist Oxford.He promotes the Latin Mass as if the ecclesiology is the same as in the past.He interprets Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition when it really is not.He will not say in public that all non Catholics need to enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.There are no exceptions.
He does not say that Vatican Council II indicates most people are oriented to Hell since they die without faith and baptism (AG 7,LG 14).His priority is his personal interests. He does not say that when we meet non Catholics we know they are oriented to Hell, since they do not have faith and baptism, which is needed for salvation(AG 7).This would be politically incorrect at any Rite, for him.
This was the traditional motivation for mission in the past which he ignores.
If Vatican Council II is interpreted with Feeneyism then we go back to the old ecclesiology.Mission motivation would be traditional .It would be the same at all rites. Even at the Novus Ordo Mass the priest would affirm the old ecclesiology and evangelisation.We would be back to the Ancient Mass, which would not be restricted to Latin.It would include Mass in the vernacular and the Greek Mass which preceded the one in Latin.-Lionel Andrades


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