Friday, July 5, 2019

Political Left does not allow the Vatican to support the rosary being prayed tomorrow outside a hospital in Rome where thousands of Italians are killed through abortion : lay group prays alone


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There is no Holy Mass being offered for the thousands of Italians being aborted annually at the  hospital San Giovanni Addolorata, Rome near the Basilica of San Giovanni Lateran.Nor is the pope being allowed to offer Holy Mass before the contraceptive vending machines in Rome which lead people to commit mortal sins and so go forever to the fires of Hell.
 The pope will offer Mass on July 8 for migrants including those who have come illegally into the country recently
Tomorrow lay Catholics will pray the rosary outside the hospital and there is no support from the Vatican.
 The group prayers are organised by Pietro Guerini- Presidente nazionale Comitato NO194, tomorrow, from 15.00 to 1800 hours.
-Lionel Andrades

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