Sunday, July 14, 2019

Tridentine Rite Mass prohibited in central Rome.

Image result for Photo Tridentine Rite Mass at the SAn giuseppe a Capo le Case
The Tridentine Rite Mass has been prohibited in central Rome. There was no Latin Mass offered this morning at 11.30 at the church San Giuseppe a Capo le Case. Mass here was offered over some last 10 years, initially by the late Mons. Ignacio Barriero.
It is learnt that the Mass in the Extraordinary Form which was regularly attended by about 20 or more Catholics and offered by Fr. Marco Hausmann, an Austrian priest,  will no more be allowed in the church as has been ordered by the auxiliary bishop of Rome.An FSSP priest would also offer the Latin Mass here.
The Auxiliary bishop of Rome who is also the new Secretary of the Rome Vicariate is Mons.Gianrico Ruzza.  
I do not regularly attend the Latin Mass however for some reason I felt the need to go for Mass here today  and was told that the Latin Mass has been disallowed there as per orders of the bishop.The church was empty and every one knew it, except for me.So no one showed up.
I am often passing by this church and I enter a few minutes. I was present to hear  the sermon of the priest on the feast of St.Peter and St. Paul. I was also present last Sunday as every one was gathering there in preparation for the Latin Mass.
The Latin Mass here is attended mostly by members of the Militia Christi.
The Tridentine Rite Mass here like the SSPX Mass in central Rome, near the Cavour Metro Station,is monitored  by the police. Many of them are Muslims. Also Muslims not associated with the police are there in the churches in central Rome, including this one.There are those who want to enforce Sharia Laws on Christians and non Christians, and they make their presence felt.
At times they directly make their demands and call for the ostracization of some Catholics.
I would be persona non grata for many of them since I believe Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) says all need faith and baptism for salvation and hypothetical and unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not practical and objective exceptions to AG 7, LG 14.
They would also not want me to speak to Fr. Hausmann and would also caution him.
The members of the Militia Christi affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) as it was known to the popes over the centuries but they interpret Vatican Council II with LG 8 etc referring to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So LG 8 would conflict with the dogma EENS. So like Mons. Barrieiro they would reject this irrational interpretation of the Council, which is the only one they know.
There is no announcement on the Militia Christi or Rome Vicariato website, for this abrupt action.-Lionel Andrades
Image result for Photo Tridentine Rite Mass at the SAn giuseppe a Capo le Case

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