Wednesday, July 24, 2019

We are a Cushingite Church and a Cushingite Church cannot be magisterial . It is a rupture with Tradition which is Feeneyite.Tradition is rational.Cushingism is irrational. Michael Voris and Brother Andre Marie MICM want to be faithful to a Cushingite 'magisterium'.

We are a Cushingite Church and a Cushingite Church cannot be magisterial . It is a rupture with Tradition which is Feeneyite.Tradition is rational.Cushingism is irrational.
Michael Voris and Brother Andre Marie MICM want to be faithful to a Cushingite 'magisterium'.
The Cushingite Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) wants the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to accept a Cushingite version of Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) or legally be considered not Catholic.
The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) already accepts a  Cushingite version of EENS. Now if they accept a Cushingite version of Vatican Council II they will be given canonical recognition.It is difficult for them to switch to Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite). Fr. Francois Laisney wrote a book , Is Feeneyism Catholic? which is sold by the SSPX Angelus Press. He interprets Vatican Council II and EENS with Cushingism.Archbishop Lefebvre was a Cushingite on Vatican Council II and EENS.
The SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012 was mysteriously Feeneyite  and they were ignored by a Cushingite Pope Benedict.
Then if the SSPX interprets Vatican Council II and EENS with Feeneyism they will be considered Anti Semitic etc by the Jewish Left.The Cushingite CDF could still excommunicate them.
If they affirm Vatican Council II with Cushingism it is heresy. They know this. If they affirm Vatican Council II with Feeneyism, there will be persecution.
-Lionel Andrades

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