Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Catholic professors of theology at odds in Britain with Cardinal Vince Nicols

Catholic professors of theology in Britain know that Vatican Council II indicates all non Catholics in general are oriented to Hell, so we know, we can judge,when we meet a non Catholic.But Cardinal Vince Nicols, the Archbishop of Westminister, England, says that we cannot personally judge if a non Catholic is oriented to Hell, in particular cases and that the Church does not say that any particular person is in Hell.
Cardinal Nicols interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism.He uses the false premise. He assumes  hypothetical cases (LG 16 etc) are practical examples of salvation outside the Church in 1965-2019.He assumes LG 8 etc refer to personally known people saved without faith and baptism. So Vatican Council II is a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the Syllabus of Errors and the past ecclesiology.
The dogma EENS is rejected and the Council is interpreted irrationally.
For him the Church no more says that all non Catholics are oriented to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church.
So when Cardinal Nicols meets a  non Catholic he cannot personally judge(obviously) and the Church is not saying for him that faith and baptism is the norm for salvation but instead there are  practical exceptions to EENS for him.
The dogma EENS and the Catechisms which affirm exclusive salvation in the Church stand rejected by him.
Of course we personally cannot judge but the Church in its magisterial documents interpreted rationally; interpreted with Feeneyism as a philosophy and theology, says that non Catholics without faith and baptism are oriented to Hell.So we can judge.-Lionel Andrades

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