Friday, August 23, 2019

Conte's battle-line

Catholics are persecuted.They are the discriminated people in Italy.So it is no surprise when Giuseppe Conte tells Salvini not to display religious objects.This is how the Freemasons would like it.
There is freedom for everything Satanic - adult film cinemas, media etc -but no freedom for the worship of God and religion.Israel has stopped the annual Corpus Christi procession in central Rome.The pope is being dictated to.There are Anti-Semitic laws but no Anti-Catholic laws.
Image result for Corpus Christi procession in rome 2016 photoImage result for Corpus Christi procession in rome 2016 photo
Satan knows which is the one, true religion and who is his enemy.At pontifical universities there is no freedom of thought.An innocent remark could land a professor in jail.
The Partito Democratico(PD) and 5-Star political party represent the Anti Christ.People vote for them since people are slaves to the devil, through attachments.New slaves are created through cannabis shops, condom machines, violent media and pornography.Addicts will vote for the PD-5-Star Movement.Since they deliver what is carnal and leads to eternal damnation.
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This is 'the modern secular state' that Giuseppe Conte and President Sergio Mattarella defend.
Satan would fear a state with a Catholic ethos. So restrictions are placed on Salvini and the Lega.
If Conte did not promote a pluralism which put down Catholic beliefs, he would not have been appointed Prime Minister by Mattarella, in the first place.
The Italian pro-Communist presidents now see that the Italian Catholic people want sovereignty and oppose the Anti Christ policies of the European Union.The people would naturally want a united and peaceful Europe but based on Judeo-Catholic values.
This is not possible.Since Giuseppe Conte's Freemason secular state would oppose it.God and Satan are different.The PD-5 Star Movement politicians make the sign of the cross  and support quick divorce,homosexual marriages, gender ideology,cannabis shops and the restrictions on Catholic beliefs.They offer people slavery to Satan and call it 'freedom', 'liberalism', 'openness'.
People do not want spiritual oppression and bondage to Satan and a future in the fires of Hell, through leftist laws imposed upon them.So Lega did well in the last elections.
Lega has also called a silent invasion an invasion.
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Italians have seen a mass invasion promoted desperately by  the globalist Left.The invaders oppose  Catholic culture  and religion, which was the foundation of Europe. Catholic civilization is being attacked by Satan through mass migration.There is the arrival of intolerant and anti-Catholic Muslims.With many of them, I live with patience and God's grace, daily in Rome.
Preference to the invaders are given in employment.This is a tacit priority for the Left all over the world.The official and unspoken employment motto is 'first the immigrant and the Muslim'.
Conte and Mastarella, want Italy to become another Leftist extremist state like Sweden where an Anti-Semitic charge could mean 23 years in jail, or England, when a Muslim judge tells a Christian old lady not to cite the Bible.

So Giuseppe Conte was informing Salvini of the pro-Satan edict , a dogma of the Left, in a country which has confiscated Catholic churches, like in communist countries. Golden plaques on church doors announce the legal confiscation.
The Jewish Left approve which Catholic priest can offer Mass in Italy(-only Cushingites and no Feeneyites).Recently they decided that there would be no Holy Mass in central Rome for the Catholic political party, Militia Christi.
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No priest is allowed to say unknown and invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance, are not known and visible exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation.This is rational but it is prohibited.Every Catholic religious has to accept this irrationality( unknown non Catholics are known).This is Leftist fascism.The neo-fascists.
This is the lack of religious freedom Italians can expect when Mastarella and his globalist friends appoint another Leftist government in Italy.
We follow Jesus and His only Church outside of which/Whom there is no salvation.Being Catholic in Italy means being persecuted.It is being in a battle until death.-Lionel Andrades

AUGUST 22, 2019

Conte refers to Satanic secularism in a modern state

Salvini: «La protezione del Cuore Immacolato di Maria per l'Italia la chiedo finché campo» VIDEO

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