Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Feast day today of Feeneyite St.Maximillian Maria Kolbe

Image result for Photo St.Maximilian Kolbe
He sold millions of copies of his religious publications. 
He lived in Cities of Mary where hundreds of Friars Conventuals choose to be preachers and communicators of the faith.
This was mentioned by the priest about 30 minutes back in his homily at Holy Massat the Altar of the Miracle in the Basilica of St.Andrea della Fratte, Rome. On the priest's left was a white statue  of Kolbe who came to this altar to offer his first Mass as a priest.
Kolbe's life was in way linked to that of Alphonse Ratisbonne and the Miraculous Medal of Catherine of Laboure.They were all connected with the Miracle at the church of St. Andrea della Fratte said the priest. The connection could be expressed in one word : conversion.
Ratisbonne was a Jew who converted like his brother into the Catholic Church. They both became priests. Kolbe and Laboure are also conversion stories in their way. 
St. Maximillian Kolbe lived before it was Anti Semitic to say outside the Church there is no salvation.
He was aware of the growing power of the Masons and the Jewish Left.He composed a prayer: Our Lady conceived without sin prayer or us who have recourse to thee and especially pray for the Masons and the enemies of the Church.
The Masons were in power in Rome at that time.Satan and his demons would make them say terrible things about Jesus and his Church outside of which there is no salvation. Now in our times, they are in power in the whole of Italy including Rome.
So Catholic publications cannot affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), like Kolbe and call all to conversion into the Catholic Church to save their soul.Masonic laws prevent it.
One would have to choose martyrdom today, like Kolbe, and then be able to affirm EENS ( Feeneyite) like him.Many Catholic religious over the last 10 years have proclaimed  the traditional interpretation of EENS, as St.Maximillian Kolbe did in the 1930's. These religious had to make big sacrificies.
Kolbe was a Feeneyite. He did not interpret the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance as being exceptions to EENS.There was no EENS (Cushingite) for him.So the Polish people who read his publications got the faith straight from him.It satisfied a spiritual need and they bought copies.
The Franciscan Conventual Friars lived strict poverty and also proclaimed exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
But today the Militia Immaculate office in Rome,near the church of Santa Anastasia al Palatino, produces Cushingite publications.They are tame and politically correct.Even the community of Franciscan Conventual Friars who live there where Kolbe once lived when he came to Rome,  are afraid to proclaim EENS.Their priority is remaining priests or friars and not being expelled by the Masons, via the Vatican.
St.Maximillian Kolbe pray for us.
-Lionel Andrades

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