Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Louie Verrecchio makes the same theological and doctrinal mistake as Fr. Nicholas Gruner and John Vennari

Image result for Photo of Louie Verrecchio
Louie Verrecchio knows that if he does not interpret baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) as being physically visible and personally known cases, he would be affirming Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This would be doctrinally and theologically traditional.However it would be Anti Semitic for the influential Jewish Left.In June 2000, Verrecchio made a formal act of consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary as a member of the Militia of the Immaculata; the worldwide evangelization movement founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe - thus the initials M.I. follow his name. According to Verrecchio, he uses the initials signifying his consecration to the Virgin Mary in order to give honor to Mary, and to encourage others to investigate Marian consecration as well according to Wikipedia.
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So he changes Catholic doctrine on salvation,with an  irrationality.Invisible BOD, BOB and I.I are visible for him. He creates heresy.Then he remains politically correct with the Left and Satan.
AKA Catholic
He chooses Vatican Council II(Cushingite) instead of Vatican Council II( Feeneyite).So he is allowed to work by the SPLC and ADL.There are no objections since for them he is a Cushingite and not a Feeneyite.
He calls himself a traditionalist but with Cushingism he has changed the interpretation of the Catechisms and the Creeds.This is not Tradition. This was not done during the Traditional Latin Mass or the Byzantine Greek Mass over the centuries.His Cushingite salvation theology is no more exclusive but innovative , non traditional and liberal.
Image result for Photo of Fr.Nicholas gruner and Louie Verrecchio
Louie Verrecchio like the late Fr. Nicholas Gruner would say outside the Church there is no salvation and mean it.But theologically, in their mind, there were exceptions.For Fr. Gruner and John Vennari , BOD, BOB and I.I were exceptions to EENS(Feeneyite).LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc were also exceptions to EENS(Feeneyite). So they were Cushingites on EENS though at times they may come across  as being Feeneyite.
Fr.Gruner was not allowed to be incardinated.His opponents would say that he is schismatic.Since he rejected Vatican Council II ( Cushingite).
The liberals only accept EENS ( Cushingite) and Vatican Council II ( Cushingite).
Fr.Gruner would criticize magisterial documents like Redemptoris Missio etc.They were not written in a direct style.They did not affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church for him.The motive for mission was knowing the beautiful face of Jesus and not because the majority of non Catholics on earth were oriented to Hell, without being members of the Catholic Church.
So now Verrecchio is considered a schismatic traditionalist by the same opponents of Fr. Nicholas Gruner. Since Verrecchio like Gruner does not understand that there is a Vatican Council Feeneyite and Cushingite, an EENS, Feeneyite and Cushingite, Catechisms  Feeneyite and Cushingite, Creeds Feeneyite and Cushingite.
The popes from Paul VI  were all Cushingite like him.Verrecchio does not know.
Image result for Photo of Louie Verrecchio
We now know that though Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus were written with Cushingism, they can be interpreted with Feeneyism.This is the only  rational interpretation.
But if Louie Verrecchio chooses Feeneyism he will be labelled Anti Semitic.Legally he will not be a Catholic for the Vatican and the Left.So he has to remain with the false doctrine and theology to keep writing.Even if he comments on the issue and talks about it, it would be considered Anti Semitic by leftist fascists.
David Domet on the blog Vox Cantoris learnt about it the hard way after the massacre in New Zealand.He was also told not to discuss EENS.It would be assumed that he is a supporter of Feeneyite EENS and then there is a legal threat.He followed instructions.
So what is the point in Louie Verrecchio and David Domet  writing about the Traditional Latin Mass , being a superior liturgy  and Rite, when their theology and ecclesiology is the same as the Novus Ordo Mass.The Toronto Latin Mass is offered with the false new theology and ecclesiology.
They are politically correct with the Left with their Cushingite interpretation of Church documents.So they are allowed to keep their blog.Why criticize Pope Francis who could also be under the same pressure to compromise on Vatican Council II and EENS? 
Louie Verrecchio cannot tell the two popes to choose Feeneyism in their interpretation of Vatican Council II since he himself does not do it.-Lionel Andrades

Transition to Traditionalism[edit]
Since 2013, Verrecchio has repudiated his own prior defense of the documents of the Second Vatican Council, asserting they are "polluted with ambiguities, contradictions and outright errors" that cannot be reconciled with the teachings of the pre-Conciliar Church.[13] In numerous blog posts on his website, now renamed, Verrecchio maintains that the Novus Ordo Mass promulgated by Pope Paul VI is marred with deficiencies that obscure the traditional Catholic teaching that the Mass is a re-presentation of the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary, to the point that it should be abrogated in favor of the traditional Latin Mass. He has been highly critical of the pontificate of Pope Francis, particularly in the wake of the March 2016 promulgation of the apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia which, according to Verrecchio, undermines traditional Catholic teaching on the indissolubility of marriage.[14][15]
Since late 2016, Verrecchio has publicly held the position that Pope Francis has "judged himself a formal heretic" and, as a consequence, has surrendered the Petrine office and become an antipope by failing to respond to the dubia (questions) presented by several cardinals requesting clarification of potential heresies they believe exist in Amoris laetitia

In 2003, Verrecchio began work on the Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II series of conciliar document study materials that explore the body of teaching of the Second Vatican Council. His work bears the Imprimatur of Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien - Archbishop of Baltimore, and has been endorsed by well-known individuals such as George Pell, Cardinal Archbishop of Sydney, Australia; American theologians Fr. Peter M. J. Stravinskas, S.T.D., Ph.D.; Fr. Peter F. Ryan, S.J., S.T.D., Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Ph.D., syndicated columnist Russell Shaw, and others.[4]
Since its publication in 2003, Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II has been used by parish-based study groups and individuals throughout North America and in AustraliaEurope and Asia.
Verrecchio was interviewed about this work by the weekly Catholic newspaper, Our Sunday Visitor in 2005

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