Thursday, August 8, 2019

New Constution for religious communities to be approved by Cardinal Avez is based upon irrational Cushingism which creates a rupture with Tradition(Syllabus of Errors, Athansius Creed,EENS etc)

The new Constitution being prepared for all religious  communities by Cardinal Braz de Avez will be Cushingite.Vatican Council II will be interpreted with Cushingism instead of rational Feeneyism.All the magisterial documents will be interpreted with the false premise.This will be obligatory.
Cardinal Avez and Pope Francis accept the false Cushingite reasoning of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO).
LOHO assumes unknown cases of the baptism of desire,being saved in invincible ignorance etc are personally known examples of salvation outside the Church and so are exceptions to Tradition( Syllabus of Errors, Athansius Creed etc).
So an EENS(Cushingite) replaces the traditional EENS ( Feeneyite) which had no exceptions.
This will be the new philosophy and theology that religious communities will have to follow. This irrationality was there in the Church for a long time. It was made official at LOHO and then at Vatican Council II. The Catechisms and other magisterial documents were also interpreted with Cushingism in salvation theology. Now the New Constitution will uphold this same irrational New Theology in salvation just as there is a New Theology in morals expressed in Amoris Laetitia which is not traditional.
-Lionel Andrades

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