Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pope Paul VI interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism when he could also have easily chosen Feeneyism.

Image result for Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Lefebvre photo
Cushingite traditionalists create confusion for me here in Rome since Catholics assume I am a Lefebvrist traditionalist who rejects Vatican Council II and so supports the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
They think I am schismatic since they do not know, and neither did Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, that there is a Vatican Council II ( Cushingite)  and a Vatican Council II( Feeneyite). I affirm Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) unlike them.
Since Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) does not contradict EENS ( Feeneyite) I can affirm EENS and Vatican Council II and do not have to seem schismatic or in a sect.
Neither like the liberals and the present two popes and the many cardinals and bishops, I do not have to go into schism with the popes over the centuries before Pius XII, when they affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS.
Image result for Pope Paul VI and Vatican Council II Photo
I do not also have to be a politically correct liberal like Cardinals Kasper and Koch, who reject EENS(Feeneyite) and accept EENS ( Cushingite) like the popes since Paul VI.
Pope Paul VI interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism when he could also have easily chosen Feeneyism.-Lionel Andrades 

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