Thursday, August 22, 2019

Conte refers to Satanic secularism in a modern state


Ex Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte tells Salvini to avoid using religious symbols in public and says contradictorily that this has nothing to do with the principles of freedom of conscience in religion. They risk offending the feelings of believers he said, and casts a shadow  upon the principles of secularism, a fundamental principle of a modern state.
There is no freedom of religion and worship for Catholics in secular Italy today.The Left decides what a Catholic can believe and profess in public and what a priest may say during his homily at Mass. There are leftist laws putting restrictions on Catholics.
In Giuseppe Conte's secular state Satanic values, contrary to the Bible are supported like abortion, gay marriages,quick divorces, television that promotes adultery and other values which take a person to the fires of Hell.
So Giuseppe Conte is really referring to Satanic secularism in a modern state.-Lionel Andrades

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