Monday, August 26, 2019

The pope interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.He creates a schism with the popes over the centuries befor Pius XII and Michael Sean Winters at the National Catholic Reporter wants all Catholics to follow this error.It is the pope who is in schism and heresy and he must rectify the error with an announcement

The pope is interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism, creating a schism with the popes over the centuries befor Pius XII and Michael Sean Winters at the National Catholic Reporter 1 wants all Catholics to follow him on this error.It is the pope who is in schism and heresy and he must rectify the error with an announcement.
Cardinals and bishops too are interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechisms with irrational Cushingism instead of rational Feeneyism.Discerning Catholics can see that the ecclesiastics are acting in ignorance. No one has explained to them the difference between Cushingism and Feeneyism .

They mix up what is implicit as explicit, invisible as visible, hypothetical as being defacto and objectively known in present times.Then they emerge schismatic with the Church Councils on EENS, the Syllabus of Errors on ecumenism and the past ecclesiology.I do not make this mistake. So there is no rupture with Tradition for me.

For Michael Sean Winters , the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). Since they are examples of salvation outside the Church. They must be visible and personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church for him. Otherwise they cannot be exceptions to EENS.Invisible people, who do not exist in our reality cannot be examples of salvation outside the Church.

 They cannot be exceptions to Feeneyite EENS, the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.Yet this irrationality was the reasoning of Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits at Vatican Council II and earlier when Fr. Leonard Feeney was expelled from the Jesuit community and ex- communicated.This is the Cushingite reasoning of Michael Sean Winters and the popes from Paul VI.
It is irrational. Since there cannot be any known exception for us human beings, to EENS. Speculative possibilities are not real people known to be saved outside the Church. Only God can know if someone is saved outside the Church . The norm for salvation, in the Catholic Church, is faith and the baptism of water.(AG 7, LG 14). A Feeneyite accepts all magisterial documents of the Catholic Church, including Vatican Council ( Feeneyite) and the Catechisms, but interprets them without Cushingite reasoning. So there is no schism with the past popes who affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS with hypothetical and theoretical BOD, BOB and I.I.
Image result for Photos Vatican Council II irrational and errorImage result for Photos Vatican Council II irrational and error

So there is no rupture with the past exclusive salvation ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and 16th century  EENS as it was known to the missionaries and Magisterium of that time.
Image result for Photos Vatican Council II irrational and error
Image result for Photos Vatican Council II irrational and error
If a cardinal or bishop supports Michael Sean Winters and says the traditionalists are in schism, he is obviously referring to to their correct rejection of Vatican Council II ( Cushingite).Vatican Council II (Cushingite) is heretical and schismatic.
 The disssenting cardinal or bishiop, like the National Catholic Register Staff, must affirm Vatican Council II, the Creeds  and Catechisms, with rational Catholic philosophy and theology. Cushingism is deceptive. It is unethical to continue to use it as a theology even after being informed.
The NCR is dishonest with the use of Cushingite theology; the New Theology, which is based upon visible and personally known cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I  being known examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church.; salvation without the faith and baptism of water in the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades


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-Lionel Andrades

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