Sunday, August 11, 2019

To avoid the Anti-Semitic charge Roberto dei Mattei does not interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with Feeneyism.Meanwhile he promotes his book on Vatican Council II interpreted with irrational and non traditional Cushingism.This creates a rupture with Tradition( Syllabus of Errors etc).This the Leftist approved version of Vatican Council II and EENS.

To avoid the Anti-Semitic charge Roberto dei Mattei does not interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with Feeneyism.Meanwhile  he promotes his book on Vatican Council II interpreted with irrational and non traditional Cushingism.This creates a rupture with Tradition( Syllabus of Errors etc).This the Leftist approved version of Vatican Council II and EENS.
When Diana Montagna asked him about EENS he projected EENS Cushingite and not EENS Feeneyite. He suggested that being saved in invincible ignorance referred to known non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church in the present times.
He will organize  conferences at which Vatican Council II will be interpreted only with Cushingism and not Feeneyism and he EENS is never Feeneyite for him.This creates the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.With a Cushingite interpretation of magisterial documents by him he cannot be accused of being Anti Semitic etc. 
So he says he believes in outside the Church there is no salvation but for him hypothetical cases LG 8 etc in Vatican Council II are exceptions to EENS Feeneyite. Also hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are objective and practical exceptions to EENS ( Feeneyite).
This is not traditionalism. It is a rupture with the popes before Pius XII who affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS and also mentioned BOD, BOB and I.I which they did not interpret as being known non Catholics saved outside the Church. They did not confuse invisible people as being visible and they then they did not create a new theology based upon this error.
This invisible-visible error was there with Pope Paul VI's interpretation of Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism. Similarly Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre interpreted BOD, BOB and I.I with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.The Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith and the dubbia Cardinals are following the same error.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 4, 2017

Cardinal Ratzinger made an objective mistake in Redemptoris Missio (graphics)

-Lionel Andrades

 DECEMBER 4, 2017

Be aware of the crude interpretation of Vatican Council II done by Christopher Ferrara, Roberto dei Mattei, Atila Guimares and others

One should not superficially read Vatican Council II and crudely interpret it as a rupture with Tradition, so Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14) would be negating the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and also supporting it at the same time.The error in this reading lies in not discerning that this was the mistake made in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston and it was the error repeated by the liberal theologians at Vatican Council II.

1) One interpretation of Vatican Council II is that of the liberal theologians which is supported by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) and the two popes.It interprets hypothetical cases1 as being non hypothetical.They are interpreted as being known examples of salvation outside the Church.Pope Benedict XVI alluded to this in March 2016(Avvenire).He was still trying to prop up the error of his friends.He reiterated that there was known salvation outside the Church and suggested that Vatican Council II mentions this.

Since the baptism of desire(BOD),baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are examples of known salvation for him, there are passages which contradict EENS and there are other passages  which are orthodox and do not contradict EENS.This is how Pope Benedict,cardinals Muller and Ladaria,archbishops Pozzo and Di Noia, cardinals Burke and Brandmuller,Catholic Answers and Church Militant TV interpret Vatican Council II and continue the reasoning of the 1949-Letter.

2.The second interpretation has BOD, BOB and I.I as not being known exceptions of salvation outside the Church.They are not concrete cases in 2017. They are accepted as possibilities.Being possibilities they cannot be exceptions to EENS.They can be accepted as speculative and hypothetical cases but no connection must be made with the old ecclesiology and Feeneyite EENS.
So when we read the passages in Vatican Council II which mention hypothetical cases 2 we must not crudely and superficially interpret them as being exceptions to Tradition or exceptions to the orthodox passages.
This is a rational reading of Vatican Council II.We do not mix up hypothetical cases as being non hypothetical, invisible people as being visible,possibilities as being explicit and objective in real life.Then Vatican Council II would not be saying,as Pope Benedict did in March 2016(with reference to  Vatican Council II and EENS)that there is salvation outside the Church.Since humanly speaking,there cannot be known salvation outside the Church.In the same way, Pope Francis cannot tell us that the Argentinian couple who have divorced and remarried and who are mentioned in the Acta Apostolica Sedis(AAS) will be going to Heaven or are already saved.How can he know? How can he judge an exception to the general rule on mortal sin? Similarly Pope Francis cannot say that someone outside the Church, a Protestant or Buddhist,is a saint and  and will not be going to Hell.How can he know of an exception? If there is an exception it can only be known to God.
So when we read Vatican Council II it is important not to read it with 'the double meaning',the 'for and against orthodoxy'method.This was the personal inference of Rahner and Ratzinger and the other liberal theologians.

So go ahead and affirm Vatican Council II.In no passage does it mention a single case of known salvation outside the Church.
If it is possible that someone will be saved outside the Church in 2017 then it is also possible that someone will not be saved.Possibilities are like thin air.They are not concrete with reference to EENS and the old exclusivist ecclesiology.
So we must be aware of the crude interpretation of Vatican Council II done by Roberto dei Mattei, Christopher Ferarra , Atila Guimares and others in their books on Vatican Council II.They use the 'double approach' of Rahner and Ratzinger.This was possible by mistaking BOD, BOB and I.I as not being invisible but visible and then inferring further that they excluded the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
When you read Vatican Council II interpret the passages as I do.Vatican Council II is then no more a rupture with Tradition.

Know that there was an in principle error  made in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office and it can be avoided when reading Vatican Council II.This cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit.-Lionel Andrades

Baptism of desire(BOD),baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance of the Gospel through no fault of ones own( I.I).

2.UR 3, NA 2,GS 22,LG 16, LG 8 etc

DECEMBER 3, 2017

Repost : No denial from Cardinal Ladaria, CDF : schism from the Left over Vatican Council II

JULY 28, 2019

Roberto dei Mattei will not announce that he made a mistake on Vatican Council II all these years

Featured Image
Roberto de Mattei will still not tell Diane Montagne of LifeSitesNews that there are no personally known cases of being saved in invincible ignorance outside the Catholic Church and so he affirms extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) according to the 16th century Magisterium and misionaries. The baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) are not literal exceptions in 2019 to the strict interpretation of EENS. 
Nor does he announce that he and Christopher Ferrara,Fr. Nicholas Gruner and John Vennari and others  made a mistake when they interpreted EENS and Vatican Council II with hypothetical cases being non hypothetical. They were wrongly assumed to be personally known non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church.So now there are exceptions to EENS. Invisible people are exceptions.
Image result for Photo  vatican council II and unwritten storyImage result for Photo  vatican council II and unwritten storyImage result for Photo  vatican council II and unwritten story
He does not announce that he and Christopher Ferrara wrote books on Vatican Council II with this objective mistake. They interpreted the Council with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism; with the irrational premise instead of without it.
Rorate Caeili does not announce that Mattei and Ferrara's concept of Vatican Council II was based on a mistake. So it is false. It was the interpretation of Pope Paul VI .
Image result for Photo  vatican council II murky watersImage result for Photo  vatican council II and unwritten storyImage result for Photo  Iota Unum
Image result for Photo  Chris Ferrara on vatican council II Image result for Photo  Chris Ferrara on vatican council II
The same mistake was made by Michael Davies,Atila Sinke Guimares and in recent times byPaolo Pascualucci.
Image result for Photo  Chris Ferrara on vatican council II
Image result for Photo  Chris Ferrara on vatican council II
The traditionalists today attend the Latin Mass and proclaim the New Ecclesiology and New Theology in public.It is the same as at Mass in the vernacular. It is a rupture with the Tridentine Mass of the 16th century.In the 16th century, BOD, BOB and I.I referred to hypothetical cases and not explicit exceptions to traditional EENS. At the Latin Mass today BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS. So they refer to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. Otherwise how could they be exceptions? This was the reasoning of the liberal theologians and the traditionalists over the last 50 years.

JULY 17, 2019

Mattei and Ferrara read Vatican Council II superficially and wrote books misleading Catholics ( Graphics)

MAY 5, 2018

The truth has to be proclaimed by Roberto de Mattei for a rebirth of the Church during his lifetime

DECEMBER 14, 2017

No contradiction or correction from Roberto dei Mattei 
Professor de Mattei, who directs the magazine Radici Cristiane and the Corrispondenza Romana News Agency, has published countless articles and nearly 20 books. His latest has been recently translated into English – The Second Vatican Council – an Unwritten Story

Vatican II was a “historical turning point,” he told me. Some Council Fathers saw a more optimistic period in bloom. Others, more conservative, did not.  1
-Lionel Andrades

Image result for Photo  vatican council II murky waters


Image result for Photo  Chris Ferrara on vatican council II

  • Nicene Creed was changed with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 mistake(5)
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church ( Cushingite)(2)
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church (Feeneyite)(2)
  •  Feeneyite EENS(1)

    JANUARY 27, 2018

    What is Feeneyism? (Graphics)

    JANUARY 27, 2018

    What is Cushingism ?(Graphics)


    JUNE 20, 2016
    Prof.Phillip Blosser, a Professor of Philosophy at Musings of a Pertinacious Papist and Tancred at The Eponymous Flower agree with me : hypothetical cases (baptism of desire etc) cannot be explicit for us in 2016

    MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016
    I even interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1995) as being Feeneyite. I use the same reasoning : hypothetical cases are not explicit in the present times.

    Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson says Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors




    I follow the Catechism of Trent in agreement with Vatican Council II and the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

    JUNE 20, 2011


     JULY 25, 2018
    Repost : When I meet Catholics I say Vatican Council II says outside the Church there is no salvation and all need to convert into the Church to avoid Hell

    JULY 23, 2018
    Cardinal Raymond Burke has said that other religions are false religions (LG 8, AG 7) but this is not taught at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome

    JULY 28, 2018
    Dogmas do not change : Vatican Council II is in harmony with the strict interpretation of EENS. There is no past and new ecclesiology for me.

     JULY 18, 2018
    Whatever is your opinion of Fr. Leonard Feeney, LOHO, Pope Pius XII etc if LG 16 is invisible or visible determines the interpretation of Vatican Council II

    JULY 18, 2018
    Whether you believe in the Bologna School or what ever how you look at LG 16 determines how you interpret Vatican Council II

    JULY 11, 2018

    This is Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) which would be 'extremist' for Angela Merkel's Germany.So the German Catholic bishops are denying it,and are giving the Eucharist at Holy Mass to Protestants, since the Catholic bishops have rejected Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) and interpret the Council with Cushingism.

    JULY 11, 2018
    Image result for Photos of Catholics in Russia
    Catholics in Russia need to go on mission and evangelise there based on Vatican Council II

     JULY 6, 2018
    What happens when Cardinal Marx knows...will he accept this reality, or will he go into schism?


    APRIL 25, 2018

    APRIL 12, 2018

    Like the liberals Roberto dei Mattei uses an irrational premise to interpret the baptism of desire etc. So there is a new version of EENS
    APRIL 12, 2018
    Roberto dei Mattei is politically correct like the two popes and in heresy
     APRIL 11, 2018
    Roberto dei Mattei still cannot state that Lumen Gentium does not contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Neither will he affirm the dogma EENS according to the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century
    MARCH 15, 2018
    I am waiting for Cardinal Burke, Bishop Schneider, Robero dei Mattei and Chris Ferrara to affirm Vatican Council II and the strict interpretation of EENS

    DECEMBER 27, 2017

    Brunero Gherardino had it wrong and Roberto dei Mattei based his writings upon the Monsignor's irrational theology

    APRIL 24, 2018

    Vatican Council II is not how Christopher Ferrara and Roberto dei Mattei interpret it (Graphics)
    APRIL 25, 2018
    If you interpret Lumen Gentium 8 ( elements of sanctification and truth in other religions) as referring to known or unknown people in the present times you have two interpretations of Vatican Council II : If you interpret the baptism of desire as referring to invisible or visible people saved outside the Church in the present times you have two interpretations of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus
    APRIL 12, 2018
    Roberto dei Mattei is politically correct like the two popes and in heresy
     DECEMBER 15, 2017 
    You can interpret Vatican Council II without the new theology. Try it and see 
    NOVEMBER 8, 2017
    Books of Archbishop Lefebvre are obsolete now : so are the writings on Vatican Council II by Chris Ferrara and Roberto dei Mattei 

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