Wednesday, August 28, 2019

We have a schism from the Left.It is silent, un-announced, seeping and creeping but there all the same.

We have a schism from the Left.It is silent, un-announced, seeping and  creeping but there all the same. It is manifest in a false and superficial interpretation of Vatican Council II politically approved  by the synagogue of Satan.
The Athanasius Creed is now on the shelf unused.Since the accepted  false narrative is, unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance (I.I)  are known and objective exceptions  to the old, rigorist understanding of the dogma no salvation outside the Church.
With this little peg; a useful handle, the ecclesiology of the Catholic Church is turned around.We have heresy sitting in the place of orthodoxy.Popes, cardinals and bishops kneel before it as if magically pulled by some force they do not understand or do not want to understand.
But the schism is there.It is here.It's been here for a long time.
The Nicene and Apostles Creed have been changed.So the Profession of Faith is modernisn.
Vatican Council II has been changed. Same text but the interpretation is different, one is true and the other false.
All the Catechisms have been changed with the little peg;  the small switch that turns the light on or off, from heresy to orthodoxy.It is done with a simple false premise.
Bishops and priests in Rome know of the false premise but do not want to correct it.They say it is ' a sensitive issue'. So they allow the Council  to be interpreted as a rupture with the past exclusive-salvation-in-the-Catholic-Church ecclesiology , an ecumenism of return and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Theologically this is a new Church, a false Church. It is modernism.

Image result for photos Placuit Deo Vatican Press Conference greg burke vatican

 (Scroll down to 28.17 of the video and listen to the question asked by a lady journalist of the Associated Press.Then listen to the reply by Cardinal Ladaria sj).

Image result for Cardinal Luiz Ladaria graphics

The Placuet Deo Press Conference on March 1, 2018 was heretical when Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith tried to test every one's intelligence.

He suggested that Lumen Gentiun 8 was an exception  to the Church's past understanding  of exclusive salvation. He got away with it. Journalists Edward Pentin  and Sandro Magister did not notice anything unusual.-Lionel Andrades


Image result for CDF schism graphics

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