Monday, September 2, 2019

Am I anti-Semitic ?

In reality, no.
But legally when I affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I), not being exceptions to the past exclusive salvation and ecclesiology, I could be mistaken by the Jewish Left, as being anti-Semitic.
I do not hate any one because of their religion, ethnicity etc, or whatever else,but if I have to affirm Vatican Council with a false premise, only not to be anti Semitic; or a hater, then I would refuse to deny my Catholic faith. I affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise, even if legally, it means I am anti-Semitic.
For the Vatican and the Jewish Left, I may not legally be a Catholic,since I interpret all magisterial documents  without the false premise . So there cannot be a rupture with Catholic Tradition for me.
So am I anti Semitic?
Not in my heart.
But legally, if it means I have to affirm Vatican Council II, the Catechisms, Creeds and the dogma EENS with a false premise to create an artificial rupture with Tradition, then I refuse to do so - even if I am threatened with anti-Semitic laws.
To change the meaning of the Creeds would be a mortal sin of faith.
To reject the dogma EENS or to change it, would be a mortal sin of faith.
To interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechisms irrationally to create a superficial rupture  with Tradition ( Creeds, EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc) is a mortal sin of faith.
There are some teachings which are de fide and every Catholics needs to accept and believe in them, states Dominus Iesus of Pope John Paul II.
So with a good conscience I affirm the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church, along with Vatican Council , interpreted rationally.
Mortal sins of faith lead to the fires of Hell, 24-hours, forever.
I do not consider myself anti-Semitic however the laws are vague, broad, not defined, ideological and sectarian. They can be manipulated and misused unjustly.-Lionel Andrades 

January 11, 2019

 Image result for photo extra ecclesiam nulla salus badge

The Badge



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