Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Chris Ferrara is a speaker at another Catholic annual conference without admitting that the books he wrote on Vatican Council II were based upon a false interpretation of the Council. He used the common Cushingite false premise.Without the false premise Vatican Council II supports the strict interpretation of EENS; Feeneyite EENS, which he does not want to affirm in public.

Chris Ferrara is a speaker at another Catholic annual conference without admitting that the books he wrote on Vatican Council II  were based upon a false interpretation of the Council. He used the common Cushingite false premise.Without the false premise Vatican Council II supports the strict interpretation of EENS; Feeneyite EENS, which he does not want to affirm in public.
He interpreted Vatican Council II over the last 50 years with a false premise, may be he did it out of ignorance, but now that he has been informed in so many on line reports and e-mails sent to him he does not comment on the subject.
He can still interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational premise  and the Council will not be a rupture with Feeneyite EENS, the past exclusivist ecclesiology , an ecumenism of return and the Syllabus of Errors.He would also no more be part of the general schism from the Left with popes, on EENS.
He has ignored all these reports since 2012 and goes on as if all is normal. It was the same with Fr. Nicholas Gruner and John Vennari.
Without an apology or clarification Chris Ferrara will speak at the Catholic Identity Conference on Nov.1, 2019.
 Similarly the Lake Garda/Roman Forum meeting  which he attended did not issue a statement on this issue.-Lionel Andrades

August 30, 2016


This is doctrinal rebellion at Lake Garda. This is liberalism. It is modernism.This is the hermeneutic of rupture.It is a doctrinal mess and it is supported annually by the traditionalists.

August 27, 2016
This passes of for Catholic philosophical reasoning.It is the philosophical basis of a new Catholic theology.It is accepted by all the signatories of the Lake Garda Statement.There would have been no 'Conciliar changes' without this error

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