Saturday, September 14, 2019

Giorgia Meloni must support a march for Vatican Council II

Giorgio Meloni was there for the Walk for Life in Rome. It was nice to see all those Italian political leaders walk with their sashes, against abortion.It kills over a hundred thousand Italians every year. Except for one cardinal, generally cardinals and bishops are not there for the walk to remember infants- killed.
I would like to hear Giorgio Meloni talk about Vatican Council II and its  support for the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and so the need to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in general politics,with the non separation of Church and State.
This would mean a separation of Satanic secularism and State.
The 5-Star political party of Grillo, Di Maio and Raggi , by its  very name refers to Freemasonry and Satanism.The five Star pentagram is used in evil rituals.It is associated with Freemasonry.A Catholic cannot vote for this party.Evil and State must be officially separated.
 The Partito Democratico(PD) also supports evil and opposes Jesus and His Church.Renzi, it is reported comes from a prominent Masonic family in Torino.A Catholic cannot vote for the PD.It would be a mortal sin.

The alternative is working and voting for a political party which supports the Social Reign of Christ the King in political legislation.This is theologically based on outside the Church there being no known salvation.This is  supported by Vatican Council II.It is Vatican Council II  which Pope Francis and Pope Benedict and the liberal cardinals and bishops refer to often,but not interpreted irrationally like them.

We need a pro-Vatican Council II march in Rome.Cardinal Baldiserri will not oppose it. Cardinal Angelo de Donatis may even be there. But the pentagram-people  may not allow the banners to say, 'Vatican Council supports the Social Reign of Christ the King'. This could be too much for Conte Bis, Di Maio and ecclesiastical Masonry.
The would be politicizing Vatican Council II in the wrong way, or rather, the 'right' way as the politicians see it.

But a pro-Vatican Council II March, by it's very name would be non controversial. The pentagram people like the Council . Their media says its a revolution in the Church.
But they mean a Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise and inference to create  a conclusion which is a rupture with no-salvation-outside-the-Church.The false premise is the revolution. This is not the Vatican Council II Giorgia Meloni must support.
This is a Vatican Council II for which the cardinals and bishops may not come out on the streets.

This is the Vatican Council II which Giorgio Meloni and Matteo Salvini must discuss in the Senate packed with aging Communists, life members, like Napolitano.They represent the globalists and the European Union(EU).
 Catho-comm Sergio Mattarella  blocked elections in Italy.His conterparts did the same in England.The EU is not invited for supper but they still  come.Beppe Grillo,Jeremy Corbyn and Sergio Matarella did not want elections!Amusing. EU says NO ELECTIONS.Politicians do not want elections?!
Conte Bis tells Salvini  to  go ahead with a no confidence vote, he will not resign.Then the EU forces here ask him to resign hoping there will be an understanding with the PD.He agrees to go.Then that does not work out.So they ask him to return.He returns.
Satan's though knows that this is a war between the forces of God and Satan. Words like democracy, freedom, equality,elections etc are meaningless.They are words to be manipulated.So with false words the catho-comms  interpret Vatican Council II as a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Social Reign of Christ the King over all politics, which they dread.Don't pray the rosary, for Italy, Salvini is told.

The Freemasons do not want the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politicals.So they misinterpret Vatican Council II. Meloni and Salvini could stop them.Identify the false premise and inference.The conclusion is no more non traditional and heretical conclusion.Instead Vatican Councl II becomes an opportunity to talk about the Social Reign of Christ the King.
Vatican Council II says all need to be Catholic and so it  supports the Social Reign of Christ the King of the popes and especially Quas Primas of Pope Pius XI.

It's simple. Every one needs to be a member of the Catholic Church(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II).This is Vatican Council II.There are no exceptions mentioned in Lumen Gentium.So the priority for the government, a Catholic government, is Catholic faith and the baptism of water, for all people to avoid the fires of Hell.The priority in politics would be to save souls from the fires of Hell.Those  who worship with the five -star symbol are going there. But those who are not members of the Catholic Church at the time of death, are also going to Hell.

This is Vatican Council II. This is the official teaching of a Church-text in Vatican Council II.It is Vatican Council II( AG 7) which endorses  the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which was taught to Silvio Berlusconi as a youth, by the Redemptoris Fathers, in Italy.So a March for Vatican Council II in Rome would be very Catholic, like the Corpus Christ procession in central Rome, which Satan found repulsive.-Lionel Andrades 

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