Thursday, September 12, 2019

 message incomplete

There are so many Catholics in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and none of them tell their bishop that Lumen Gentium  does not contradict the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
The Council is Feeneyite. It does not contradict Feeneyite EENS.
Similarly there was so much confusion in the case of Fr. Vaughn Treco who was recently excommunicated in another diocese.
It was Fr.Treco's bishop who needed to affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with EENS and the past ecclesiology.Instead he chose to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with the the Catechisms and the Creeds and this was not considered heresy by conservative Catholics.
The excommunication of Fr. Treco must be revoked and Vatican Council II must be interpreted in harmony with EENS, the Syllabus of Errors etc.
Bishop Caggiano and the apologists at Catholic Answers must do the same otherwise they support heresy and schism.
Similarly the Rector of the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit and the Archbishop of Detroit, must affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with EENS and without the irrationality of the Letter of the Holy Office 1959. This is a correction which needs to be made by the present two popes and Ralph Martin and Robert Fastiggi professors at the Sacred Heart seminary.-Lionel Andrades

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