Saturday, September 7, 2019

Pentecostal and evangelical Christians need to exhibit the Gifts of the Holy Spirit within the Catholic Church as members of the Catholic Church

Vatican Council II indicates most people are on the way to Hell. So we can judge in particular cases, when we meet non Catholics.The norm for salvation is faith and baptism(Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14).If any one is an exception to the norm it would only be known to God.
Those Catholics who are living in manifest mortal sin, we can judge,are on the way to Hell.
There are mortal sins of faith and morals. Those who dress in a vulgar way we know are oriented to Hell. Since the sin is there before us. We can see it.
Un-married couples living together without the Sacrament of marriage, we know are on the way to Hell.Aside from adultery, in concubinage, there is the sin of scandal.The couple may feel good and may like it but Satan has covered their soul.
The Council is teaching us that the majority of non Catholics without faith and baptism are lost.So we judge that those without Catholic faith and the baptism of water are lost unless they convert into the Catholic Church.
The Holy Spirit may be present in other people and religions, but the path to salvation is only Catholic faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
It is good to have a personal relationship with Jesus, it is important.It is necessary to proclaim one's faith in Him but Jesus wants every one to have a relationship with Him in the Catholic Church and the follow the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church, which are guided by the Holy Spirit.
Today we see Pentecostal and Evangelical Christian preachers who heal the sick and cast out demons and exhibit other charisms of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible.But yet they are un-aware of the Jesus being present in the Eucharist in Body, Spirit and Divinity.So the Gifts which they have however wonderful are limited and restricted.They do not have the charism to see Jesus in the Catholic Church.
They quote from the Bible, which the Holy Spirit gave the Catholic Church.Yet they reject the traditional theology of the Catholic Church which was guided by the Holy Spirit.
Instead of being Pentecostals and evangelicals following different Protestant theologies and teachings, outside the Catholic Church, they could be members of the Catholic Church and still express some of those theolgies and spritualities.Yet they  choose new and foreign theologies and criticize the Catholic Church, instead of joining it and expressing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The Jehovah Witnesses' when they proclaim Jesus on the streets, could do the same in the Catholic Church and for the Catholic Church. Instead they choose a new theology created by the founder of their religion.
Similarly Jews and Muslims are outside the Catholic Church, which is Jesus' Mystical Body and the only religion founded by Jesus.Catholics are the new people of God(Nostra Aetate 4, Vatican Council II). They are the new Chosen People. They are the  fulfillment of the Jewish religion.
Today it is the Jews of the Left, the Zionists, who lead among the Jews. They support abortion, homosexual marriages and things of Satan.Jesus called a group of Jesus 'the synagogue of Satan' (Rev.2:9, 3:9) and said that their father was the devil(John 8:39-48).However there are good Jews today, orthodox Jews who live the Ten Commandments of Moses but they do not know that God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church(CCC 845), the Church is compared to the only Ark of Noah that saves in the flood(CCC 845), Without faith and baptism, those who are outside the Church at the time of their Judgment by Jesus will be lost ( CCC 846).-Lionel Andrades

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