Saturday, September 21, 2019

Pope Benedict refers to the Church as Communion, Sacrament, Mystery and this does not exclude the Church as being the only Ark of Noah ( CCC 845) with exclusive salvation.The Church still is the only Ark of Noah that saves in the flood, it is the only Door to enter Heaven and it is the narrow gate. This is missing in Pope Benedict's ecclesiology of Vatican Council II.

Image result for Ecclesiology of Pope Benedict cardinal ratzinger
Pope Benedict refers to the Church as Communion, Sacrament, Mystery and this does not exclude the Church as being the only Ark of Noah ( CCC 845) with exclusive salvation.The Church still is the only Ark of Noah that saves in the flood, it is the only Door to enter Heaven and it is the narrow gate. This is missing in Pope Benedict's  ecclesiology of Vatican Council II.
The Catholic Church is the Door and the only Ark of Salvation. It is the only path to salvation and all need faith and the baptism of water(AG7,LG 14) to avoid Hell ( for salvation).
The Church being Communion and Sacrament does not exclude it being the only path to salvation.Similarly when the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 says all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church does not exclude the necessity for all to enter the Catholic Church as members, to avoid Hell ( for salvation).
 La Chiesa di Gesù Cristo. Scritti di ecclesiologia
Cardinal Walter Kasper sees the Church as Mystery and his book is recommended reading on Ecclesiology at the pontifical universities. This was approved by Pope Benedict.It excludes the Church being the only path to salvation,the narrow gate, the door and the Ark of Noah.-Lionel Andrades

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