Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Council must be interpreted without the irrationality and then the liberals are helpless.

Michael Sean Winters has written reports criticizing LifeSiteNews, Church Militant TV and Fr. John Zuhlsdorf and none of them have responded by citing Vatican Council II.
They must stop using the Archbishbop Lefebvre approach in the interpretation of the Council, with an irrationality, just like the liberals.
The Council can be interpreted without the irrationality.
The Council must be interpreted without the irrationality and then the liberals are helpless.
Pope Paul VI could have interpreted Vatican Council II without the irrationality but no one told him about it or, he knew about it but just did not want to do it for political reasons.
Now when Michael Sean Winters criticizes LifeSiteNews and other conservative Catholic media and persons, they must also respond doctrinally, point by point, since the Council interpreted rationally supports them and not Michael Sean Winters and the National Catholic Reporter correspondents.
-Lionel Andrades

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