Friday, September 27, 2019

The Italian political parties are following the theology of the Lefbvrists.Matteo Salvini, Roberto Fiore, Fabrizio Lastei interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise. So Lumen Gentium ( 8, 14, 16) emerge as a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. So in catechesis Catholics are taught that Vatican Council II is a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors etc and should be rejected: the same mistake is made by Card.Raymond Burke and Steve Bannon

Image result for Photo  Steve Bannon
Image result for Photo Salvini and Meloni
Image result for Photo Cardinal Raymond Burke
The Catholic political parties in Italy do not have proper Catholic catechesis. Neither are Italian children really taught the Catholic faith. Since catechism is controlled by one group in the Church.The group has the approval of George Soros and the leftist people.
The political parties in Italy are not aware that new doctrines have emerged which are not Catholics.They are also being supported by Cardinal Raymond Burke and Steve Bannon.
There are now common doctrines on salvation, market theology.There is split between the Church and state which is a supported by the new theology.
Members of political parties will often say ' Render to Ceaser the things that are Caesaer and to God the things that are of God'(Matt.22:21).This is a false line used to  support a secular government.
Image result for Photo Roberto Fiore and Fabrizio LasteiImage result for Photo  Fabrizio Lastei
The political parties Lega, Fratelli Italia(Brothers of Italy),.Forza Nuova, Militia Christi and others need to go back to the old faith and interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with it.They need to read the important encyclicals of the pope and the Catholic Classics( Catherine of Siena etc).Then they must be shown how Vatican Conucil II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church can be interpreted without being  a rupture with the old teachings.
Image result for Photos Social Reign of Christ the King
The Italian political parties are following the theology of the Lefbvrists.Matteo Salvini, Roberto Fiore, Fabrizio Lastei interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise. So Lumen Gentium ( 8, 14, 16) emerge as a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. So in catechesis Catholics are taught that Vatican Council II is a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors etc and should be rejected.
Archbishop Lefbvre was interpreting Vatican Council II with the same false reasoning as Pope Paul VI and the liberals. He was not aware of it. Now even the leaders of conservative Catholic political parties make the same mistake.
Certain  groups within the Catholic Church want to create a rupture with the old catechesis for political reasons.The political leaders in Italy, un-aware, are following them.
It was reported that 
Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon is helping to craft the curriculum for a leadership course at a right-wing Roman Catholic institute in Italy, stepping up his efforts to influence conservative thinking in the church.1
Image result for Photo  Steve Bannon
But Bannon too interprets Vatican Council II like the Lefebvrists and so Lumen Gentium is projected as an exception to the past ecclesiology of the Church which was familiar to the saints and missionaries.
-Lionel Andrades



SEPTEMBER 17, 2019

For Cardinal Burke and Mattei Salvini the theology of the Latin Mass today is in a rupture with the Traditonal Latin Mass of the past (Graphics)

-Lionel Andrades

 SEPTEMBER 17, 2019

The Latin Mass which Cardinal Burke offers and Matteo Salvini attends has a salvation theology, understanding of mission, ecclesiology( understanding of Church) and ecumenism different from that of the Traditional Latin Mass in the 16th century or the Mass in Greek in the first century. Similarly Cardinal Burke does not tell Boris Johnson or Jacob Rees Mogg, Catholics in England, that Vatican Council II today is in harmony with exclusive salvation as it was known to those who attended the Traditional Latin Mass

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