Monday, September 16, 2019

There is no position paper put out by the Federation International Una Voce (FIUV) on the traditionalists at the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire,USA being asked by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) and the Diocese of Manchester, USA,to consider the Catechism of the Catholic Church(CCC 847-848) as being exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).In other words the Syllabus of Errors with invincible ignorance etc has exceptions to the past exclusivist ecclesiology and ecumenism of return. Also invincible ignorance mentioned in the Catechism of Pope Pius X contradicts exclusive salvation in the Church, mentioned in the same Catechism.

There is no position paper  put out by the Federation International Una Voce (FIUV) on the traditionalists at the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire,USA being asked by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) and the Diocese of Manchester, USA,to consider the Catechism of the Catholic Church(CCC 847-848) as being exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).In other words the Syllabus of Errors with  invincible ignorance etc has exceptions  to the past exclusivist ecclesiology and ecumenism of return. Also invincible ignorance mentioned in the Catechism of Pope Pius X contradicts exclusive salvation in the Church,  mentioned in the same Catechism.
So the Athanasius Creed which mentions outside the Church there is no salvation has salvation outside the Church with known cases of being saved in invincible ignorance etc.This is first class heresy.
This was not the ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass in the 16th century nor Mass in the Greek Byzantine Rite of the first and second century.
According to the website of the Diocese of Manchester, the CDF Secretaries have asked Brother Andre Marie, MICM, Prior at the St. Benedict Center,  to interpret CCC 847-848(invincible ignorance) as being exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. So in other words they refer to objective and literal cases known in the present times,for them to be objective exceptions to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.Vatican Council II's Lumen Gentium 16( invincible ignorance) would also have to be interpreted in this irrational way.Latin Mass Society
There is no comment from Dr. Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society,of Englans and Wales.He has issued many FIUV position papers.He teaches Philosophy at Oxford University  and does not discuss this issue in terms of philosophy and theology.-Lionel Andrades

FIUV Position Papers

The Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce (FIUV: the International Una Voce Federation) is coordinating the preparation of a number of short ‘position papers’ on specific aspects of the 1962 Missal. These are intended as contributions to the debate on the future development of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
The work is being done by a subcommittee of the FIUV Council, the Liturgy and Spirituality Subcommittee, whose Moderator is Dr Joseph Shaw, a FIUV Council member and the Chairman of the Latin Mass Society.

 Introduction (revised 19/3/12)

Positio 1: The Service of the Altar by Men and Boys ( published 4/3/12, revised 10/9/16)

Positio 2: Liturgical Piety and Participation ( revised 19/3/12)

Positio 3: The Manner of Receiving Holy Communion (published 1 April 2012)

Positio 4: Liturgical Orientation (published 15 April 2012)

Positio 5: The Vulgate and Ancient Latin Psalters (published 2 May 2012)

Positio 6: Liturgical Pluralism and the Extraordinary Form (published 15 May 2012)

Positio 7: Latin as a Liturgical Language (published 1 June 2012)

Positio 8: Prefaces (published 20 June 2012)

Positio 9: Silence and Inaudibility in the Extraordinary Form (published 6 July 2012)

Positio 10: The Eucharistic Fast (published 15 August 2012)

Positio 11: The Extraordinary Form and Western Culture (published 15 September 2012)

Positio 12: The Teaching of Latin in Seminaries (published 15 October 2012)

Positio 13: Holy Days of Obligation (published 15 November 2012)

Positio 14.1: The Holy Week Reform of 1955: Part 1, General Comments (Published 16 February 2013)

Positio 14.2: The Holy Week Reforms of 1955: Part 2 (Published 3 April 2013)

Positio 15: The Lectionary of the Extraordinary Form (Published 5 May 2013)

Positio 16: Latin Lections in the Extraordinary Form (Published 16 July 2013)

Positio 17: Reception Under the Species of Bread Alone (Published 6 December 2013)

Positio 18: The Missa Lecta (Low Mass with responses made only by the server) (Published 30 January 2014)

Positio 19: The Kiss of Peace (published 6 June 2014)

Positio 20: Septuagesima, Vigils, and Octaves (published 29th October 2014)

Positio 21: The Extraordinary Form and the Eastern Churches (published 18th November 2014)

Positio 22: Headcoverings in Church (published 5th December 2014)

Positio 23: The Extraordinary Form and China (published 24th January 2015)

Positio 24: Prayers for Persecuted Christians and the Leonine Prayers (12th February 2015)

Positio 25: The Extraordinary Form and Africa (published 25th April 2015)

Positio 26: The Extraordinary Form and Men (published 24th July 2015)

Positio 27: Tradition, Reform and Restoration (published August 2015)

Positio 28: The Good Friday Prayer for the Jews (published February 2016)

Positio 29: The Role of the Laity in the Extraordinary Form (published June 2016)

Positio 30: The Participation of Children at the Extraordinary Form (published December 2016)

Positio 31: The Extraordinary Form and New Age (published June 2017)

Positio 32: The Extraordinary Form and Islam (published December 2017)

Positio 33: The Sanctoral Cycle of the Extraordinary Form (published February 2018)

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