Thursday, September 19, 2019

We can now interpret Vatican Council Ii without the New Theology.Lumen Gentium, in its entire text, for example,would not contradict the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.

The New Theology is created by assuming Lumen Gentium contradicts extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).It is created by assuming BOD, BOB and I.I 1 contradict EENS and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.It is created by assuming there are non hypothetical cases; objective people, who are examples of salvation outside the Church.
This is false .There are no such people.Supporters of the New Theology assume possibilities of salvation, known only to God, outside the Church, are also known to humans as real people.
They assume someone on earth saw St. Emerentiana in Heaven without the baptism of water.Similarly they assume that someone saw Luther in Heaven saved outside the Catholic Church.
 Image result for Roberto de Mattei lepanto foundation logoImage result for Roberto de Mattei lepanto foundation logo
The New Theology was criticized by Roberto Matteo and speakers at a Lepanto Foundation conference in Rome and yet all those speakers use the New Theology to interpret Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents.
 Image result for Photo Cardinal OttavianiImage result for Photo Archbishop Lefebvre
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre interpreted Vatican Council II and EENS with the New Theology and so di Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.Pope Paul Vi  interpreted Vatican Council II with the New Theology and so did Cardinal Ottaviani and the apologists of that time.
We can now interpret Vatican Council Ii without the New Theology.Lumen Gentium, in its entire text, for example, would not contradict the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.
Pope Francis and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith today approve  the New Theology and so do the ADL, SPLC and the liberal  cardinals and bishops in Germany.
Those who do not affirm the New Theology would be saying the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) was wrong and Fr. Leonard Feeney was correct on EENS and BOD, BOB and I.I.
 Image result for Amazon Synod conference rome photosConservatives will discuss the Amazon Synod next month and all of them will interpret Vatican Council II heretically, with the New Theology.
-Lionel Andrades

BOD(Baptism of desire),baptism of blood( BOB) and I.I (Invincible ignorance).

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