Saturday, September 21, 2019

Yesterday I checked the National Catholic Reporter, Tablet and Crux .

Yesterday I checked the National Catholic Reporter, Tablet and Crux . There were no articles on Vatican Council II. This was good. It is important for them to get on in life without Vatican Council II.
If they post a report naming liberal theologians  who were present at the Council, I would say, ' So what? The Council is still traditional when interpreted without the false premise'.
If they would write that Vatican Council II was an ecumenical Council I would post a report asking, 'So what , Untitatis Redintigratio 3 does not contradict an ecumenism of return. It refers to a speculativeand hypothetical case only'.
If they would refer to Lument Gentium 8 ( subsists it/ elements of sanctification and truth) I would remind them that they do not know any one in 2019, saved outside the Catholic Church.They do not know any one saved outside the Church where the Catholic Church allegedly subisists. Neither do we know any one saved with elements of sanctification and truth outside the Church.So there is no rupture with Tradition here.
Lumen Gentium 8 does not contradict the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed.
Over time they will understand that the liberal interpretation of the Council is now over. It is finished.-Lionel Andrades

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