Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Amazon Synod is based upon Vatican Council (Cushingite)

 AKA Catholic

“Our Church” roundtable in Rome: Tradition unrepresented


The Second Vatican Council, which absolutely hoisted the flag of surrender, received precious little attention throughout the entirety of the nearly three-hour event. This, in spite of the fact that the Bergoglian ecclesiology as presented in the Instrumentum Laboris for the upcoming Synod is nothing more than the Council’s ecclesiology made clearer...
Lionel: Correct the Amazon Synod's ecclesiology is based upon  Vatican Council II, Cushingite. It is Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise.
The  Council can also be interpreted without the irrational premise. This is a subject Louie Verrecchio is still not on to.
Rather, they were invited not only to come out of the shadows, but to take on leadership roles at the Second Vatican Council. This, my friends, is precisely where the first shots were fired, properly speaking, in the Satanic revolution that Marshall mentioned.
Lionel: Even if the Church was infilitrated Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the false premise and the conclusion is traditional.So we can undo all their bad intentions and work.
Even if Congar, Ratzinger, Rahner and Cushing were there at the Council, we can interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and then there are no ambigous passages, in the Council with reference to the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return. This was the theological basis for proclaiming the Social Reign of Christ the King over all politics, to save souls from Hell.

Everything preceding Vatican II was simply a matter of plotting and planning on the part of rebels who dreamed of a day when they would recreate the Church in their own image and likeness. But alas, being built as she is by Christ on the solid foundation of the papacy, this Church is one in which, as St. Cyprian said, “faithlessness cannot gain access.” As such, their diabolical revolutionary aspirations remained but a chimera.
And then came the Council…
Lionel: It still is a chimera. The enemies of the Church were limited and restricted because of the nature of the problem. They wanted to do away with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, upon which many  other doctrines are also hinged.They figured they could do this by assuming hypothetical cases were not hypothetical. So they used this ruse. They interpreted the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) as being exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. 
Now we know that for BOD, BOB and I.I to be exceptions they would have to be personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church.Invisible people cannot be exceptions. People who do not exist in our reality cannot be exceptions.
This was their weak point.There was no way out.
Pope Paul VI went ahead and interpreted Vatican Council II with the mistake, with the false premise.
But now we know that we can interpret the Council with Lumen Gentium not being an exception to the past ecclesiology. So we are back to the old ecclesiology with the same Vatican Council II.

Even so, it’s evidently rather important to Taylor Marshall to avoid placing too much blame on Vatican II (as if this is even possible). He’s apparently clever enough to know that demonizing the Council is one of the fastest ways to lose conservative support, perhaps even faster than declaring Bergoglio a tool of the Devil.
 Lionel: We do not have to demonize Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise and inference. We affirm it.--Lionel Andrades


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