Sunday, October 13, 2019

As a former liberal Louie Verrecchio interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism. Then as a Cushingite traditionalist he still interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism. So he still is a Cushingite member of the Conciliar Church

Synod of Amazonian bishops at the Vatican
The jig is up, folks; the conciliar church is going to “ordain” women to the diaconate with an eye toward eventually creating women priests. The only question that remains concerns at what point in the future this will happen; provided, of course, that Our Lord doesn’t destroy the counterfeit church first.
Assuming that He does not, just imagine the lot of our conservative friends who dwell in Novus Ordo Land and the shock value of women all gussied up in their vestments reading the Gospel, assisting at the altar, imparting their blessings…
I say bring it on. The sooner this happens, the sooner more eyes will be opened to the fact that neither the Novus Ordo Missae nor the conciliar church are the least bit Catholic.
As Bishop Santin said, this will help the people very much!-Louie Verrecchio
Louie Verrecchio is critical of the Concilliar Church as if the Lefbvrist traditionalist are not part of this Cushingite Conciliar Church.Louie has been influenced by the writings of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who interpreted Vatican Council II as a rupture with the strict interpretation of EENS.So his interpretation of the Council is Cushingite like that of the liberals of the Cushingite Conciliar Church.
He will not change camp  and accept the non Cushingite Conciliar Church and it's not-so-common- interpretation-of Vatican Council II.Instead he will choose the interpretation of the Council, like that of the liberals and Masons.
As a former liberal Louie interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism. Then as a Cushingite traditionalist he still interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism. So he still is a Cushingite member of the Conciliar Church.-Lionel Andrades

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