Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi now Archbishop of Bologna could not accept when Fr. Marco Hausmann said that he did not know of any one saved outside the Catholic Church with the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance.

 Image result for Photo Cardinal Matteo Zuppi
 Image result for Militia Christi prayers of reparation
One day there could be a schism and it could there from the Left. Catholics will not accept that Vatican Council II supports the past ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return and then watch the German and English bishops squirm.
Cardinal Matteo Zuppi now Archbishop of Bologna could not accept when Fr. Marco Hausmann said that he did not know of any one saved outside the Catholic Church with the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance.
 Image result for Cardinal Ladaria plaquet deo press conference 2018 video
For him hypothetical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to personally- seen cases of non Catholics.The invisible is visible. They are  examples of objective people seen and known in 1965-2019.Otherwise how could they be exceptions to the past ecclesiology?. They are people whom the liberals can physically see in Heaven or on earth.This is false.
 Image result for Cardinal Ladaria plaquet deo press conference 2018 video
Image result for Cardinal Ladaria plaquet deo press conference 2018 video
 Image result for Cardinal Ladaria plaquet deo press conference 2018 video
It is common knowledge that we cannot see any one in Heaven saved without faith and the baptism of water.We cannot physically see people in Heaven.
However Cardinal Zuppi, the Sant Egido community interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc irrationally. Only in this way they can create a rupture with Tradition.

Image result for Cardinal Ladaria plaquet deo press conference 2018 video
Image result for Cardinal Ladaria plaquet deo press conference 2018 video
Cardinal Zuppi knows that there are no known non Catholics saved outside the Church in 2019 who are known to him but he will not admit or announce it. Instead he will tell Fr. Hausmann not to talk about it.
 Image result for Cardinal Ladaria plaquet deo press conference 2018 video
Similarly Cardinal Ladaria  knows that there are no non Catholics known to him who are saved outside the Church with elements of sanctification and truth(LG 8). He also knows that there are no known non Catholics saved outside the Church where the Catholic Church it is alleged subsists.Yet he will not announce it.
 Image result for Plaquet deo press conference 2018 video YoutubeImage result for Plaquet deo press conference 2018 video Youtube
 Instead at the Placuet Deo Press Conference he said the opposite and pretended there was a theological rupture with traditional exclusive salvation.
 Image result for Cardinal Ladaria plaquet deo press conference 2018 video
 Similarly the present new ecumenism is theologically a deception.Since there are no known exceptions to the past ecclesiology mentioned in Unitatis Redintigratio.None in the entire text.

Image result for Cardinal Ladaria plaquet deo press conference 2018 video
Image result for Plaquet deo press conference 2018 video Youtube
Image result for Plaquet deo press conference 2018 video Youtube
Image result for Plaquet deo press conference 2018 video Youtube
 Image result for Plaquet deo press conference 2018 video Youtube

Like wise no where in the text of Lumen Gentium are there objective exceptions mentioned to the past ecclesiology. So the Abu Dhabi declaration has no theological basis in the Catholic Church. Instead it is an example of the common heresy and schism of the present two popes and the cardinals. -Lionel Andrades

 Image result for Plaquet deo press conference 2018 video Youtube

September 30, 2019

Fr.Marco Hausmann's new parish in Rome unknown 



September 30, 2019

Fr.Marco Hausmann takes the Church in a new direction 




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