Thursday, October 17, 2019

Miraculous Divine Mercy Image : Ugo Festa

 The Miracle of the Image - Ugo Festa

Image result for Ugo Festa
From Medjugorje Council of Ireland:
Ugo dedicated the rest of his life to spreading Divine Mercy, serving the poor and infirm in hospitals and on the streets in Italy and Africa. He would hand out Divine Mercy prayer cards and encourage people to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and venerate the Divine Mercy Image, as Christ Himself encouraged through St. Faustina in her visions in the 1930s. Christ promises many graces to those who venerate the image.
Ugo was diagnosed with cancer in 2005. He told his friends he wasn’t fearful. He put his trust in Jesus.
On the 22nd  May 2005, Ugo was found dead from gunshots to his head, in Italy. Two individuals were arrested. The motive is not known. A priest-friend, Father Seraphim Michalenko of the Divine Mercy shrine in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, consoled all, saying, “But he predicted this; he said that his work in the streets was putting his life in danger, but he was willing to die for it.”

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