Thursday, October 3, 2019

Polish Bishop : Resist LGBT propaganda

by Martina Moyski  •  •  October 2, 2019    

Krakow archbishop rouses Poles to consider debt owed to national heroes, saints

KRAKOW, Poland ( - Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski of Kraków issued a pastoral letter on Sept. 28 warning of major threats to Polish — and international — freedom emanating from the totalitarianism of the twentieth century.
The archbishop addressed his "Beloved Archdiocesans" in the letter entitled Totus Tuus ("Totally yours"), urging them to resist "the radical rejection of God" and LGBT propaganda.
He explained the "integrated approach" of totalitarianism; that when it rejects God, it makes a new vision of man, one that presents man as a caricature of himself and from the caricature grows LGBT ideology which blurs natural differences between men and women.

The archbishop described the propaganda of LGBT ideology as "aggressive" and "subverting," using concepts like "tolerance" and "progress" to justify its promotion.
He addressed his flock as "Brothers and Sisters" when he spoke of the danger of violating one's conscience in succumbing to the pressures of LGBT propaganda which represent a deviation from the principles of their Christian faith.
According to the Polish prelate, the recent pressure to cave to LGBT propaganda can be likened to the totalitarian times of the Polish People's Republic, when social advancements were guaranteed only to Communist Party members and believers were treated as second class citizens.
He also spoke of the great spiritual harm inflicted on children and teenagers as a result of sex education programs introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) that teach LBGT ideology.
The archbishop said that approval of — or indifference to — these sex education programs represent a serious moral offense. Parents who do not resist LGBT ideology and WHO programs ensure "their own children will become victims of gender ideology."

Speaking also in first person about the need for rising to the occasion of history, the archbishop said:
We, each and every one of us, following the example of the Holy Father John Paul II, must pay back the debt we incurred towards our national heroes and the saint Patrons of our homeland. We also have a responsibility to defend those values ​​of which Poland was born more than 1050 years ago and whose deepest expression is the Christ Cross.
"This is not only a duty to the noble achievements of our ancestors, but also to future generations of Poles," he added.
The archbishop concluded by recommending a "prayer marathon" to include silent adoration of the Holy Sacrament for half an hour before evening Masses, ending with a decade of the Rosary and the litany to St. John Paul II, from Nov. 1 until the end of 2020 in all churches and chapels throughout the nation.

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