Monday, October 7, 2019

PROFANAÇÃO - Tirem o PT do altar!

Serious desecration and political demonstration in the cathedral of Sao Paulo in support of the …
Shame in the cathedral of Sao Paolo with the presence of Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer, Archbishop of Sao Paulo, and recently elected vice president of CELAM and Cardinal Hummes.

There was an act of support from the Amazonian synod they called "ecumenical" but attended by characters who had little of Christians desecrating a major Catholic altar. There were an imam, a Buddhist monk, a witch-priestess of Candomblé, a Jewish rabbi, a spiritualist ... There was also an evangelical pastor very famous for his campaign to get Lula da Silva out of jail.
With all those people of the lowest kind on the altar, it is not uncommon for the cathedral of Sao Paolo, to be filled with posters asking for Lula's freedom and that the majority of attendees were not Catholic. It is not surprising that the following day an article entitled "Get the workers' party (PT) out of the altar appeared in the Folha de Londrina newspaper!…More

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