Monday, October 7, 2019

Professors at the John Lateran University Rome unethical : they support deception and a lie officially

Entrance of Pontificial Lateran University (CNS Photo/Paul Haring)
Prof.Giovanni Tangorra gets a salary for teaching Ecclesiology with a falsehood, a lie, at the St.John Lateran University, Rome.He interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference to create a non traditional conclusion which is a rupture with the past ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.The same lie and deception is permitted at the Roman College, the seminary at the univesity Laterenese.Professors and priests pick up a salary for not telling the truth about Vatican Council II and ecclesiology.
Similarly Professoressa Angelo Aleso Bello and Prof. Mobeen Shahid at the  St. John Lateran University, Rome, professors of philosophy, interpret Vatican Council II with the same irrational philosophical reasoning.
This has also been 'the development of doctrine' for Archbishop Rino Fischella, former Rector of the John Latern Univesity and now President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation.He officially interpret Vatican Council II with a deceptive premise and inference. Students at the university are not aware of this deception and the professors do not talk about it.
Mobeen Shahid and other profesors taught theology classes for laity in Rome and the falsehood was not made known.When I once met him and called his attention to it, he said "No comment".
Professors generally pretend that there is a development of the faith and the laity are duped  with the complex Vaticanese language of the professors.The lay people in Rome largely sit impressed or confused but do not understand most of what is said.I have personally been present at a series of one of these talks in a parish on the outskirts of Rome, along the Metro C route.
The reporters in the mainstream media here also do not detect the philosophical and theological error.So they do not confront the professors.
The pontifical universities in Rome are equal opportunity institutions, which support diversity and is open to all -  except for those who believe the Church teaches exclusive salvation in Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

OCTOBER 5, 2019

Temi di ecclesiologia

Prof.Giovanni Tangorra teaches an Ecclesiology course at St.John Lateran University, Rome : He interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism to create a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition - 2

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