Monday, October 28, 2019

Repost : Books to avoid - Fenton and Hardon's theology is off the rails

October 11, 2019

Books to avoid - Fenton and Hardon's theology is off the rails

Image result for Photo joseph clifford fenton's booksImage result for Photo joseph clifford fenton's booksImage result for Photo Fr.Thomas Hardon  books

Un known cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance were assumed to be personally known examples of salvation outside the Church and so exceptions to the 16th century interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Upon this error the liberals created the New Theology.
The conservative writers Fenton and Hardon accepted this New Theology. So they interpreted Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition(EENS, past ecclesiology, ecumenism of return, Syllabus of Errors etc).
Now we know that we can read the Council without the false premise.
Fenton and Hardon are as obsolete as Archbishop Lefebvre and Cardinal Ratzinger and Ladaria.They are all in the same heretical Cushingite camp.
-Lionel Andrades

For the writers of these books LG 8, LG 14 and LG 16 being hypothetical cases do not contradict the old ecclesiology. There is no known salvation outside the Church. So there is no theological and philosophical foundation for the New Theology.

There is nothing in Lumen Gentium to contradict the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. So there is no philosophical and theological foundation in Vatican Council II for the New Ecclesiology.

Unitatis Redintigratio does not name any particular person saved outside the Church as a Protestant or other Christian in his religion.It does not state that we can know of a Christian saved outside the Church without Catholic faith. So the Decree on Ecumenism(UR) does not anywhere contradict the past ecumenism of return.

Similarly Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation and we know there can be no practical exceptions known to us humans in 2019. So Vatican Council II is not a rupture with Mission and Salvation as it was known to the Magisterium and missionaries in the 16th century.
Ludwig Ottt assumes unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood (BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were known exceptions to the traditional interpetation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The same mistake was made by Fr. Francois Laisney.Other writers made this mistake and also interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally. The same error is being made today by the Cardinals and bishops at the Amazon Synod.-L.A

OCTOBER 9, 2019

Only on the blog Eucharist and Mission (Graphics)

-Lionel Andrades

 OCTOBER 9, 2019

Vatican Council II is no more Christological it is also Ecclesiocentric.It has an eccleiocentric ecclesiology.This is not being reported by the media.The Amazon Synod Working Paper avoids this issue.LG8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, refer to hypothetical cases only.They are not objective exceptions in the present times(1965-2019) to the old exclusivist ecclesiolgy and an ecumenism of return.So the interpretation of Vatican Council II by the Synod is limited and wrong.

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