Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sr. Mary Ephrem's Vision Of Hell : Seer : I saw Hell

July 13, 2019

Sr. Mary Ephrem's Vision Of Hell

The evening of the 24th of Feb. 1958, as I was composing myself to sleep I underwent a strange and horrifying experience. As I was not

yet asleep I do not think it could have been a dream. It can suddenly without sign or warning and as such left an indelible impression on my mind and heart.

I found myself on a lonely road, one of course, I had never seen or been on at any time. Before me was a large structure somethin similar to a giagantic cathedral or castle. It was huge, somber and forbiding. I was obliged to walk toward it though something inside me held back in a kind of dread.Then at my side on the right I felt the strong presence of St. Michael. He did not speak. We continued on our journey and at last came to what appeared to be the front enterance to the strange building.

May 10, 2019

Seer: I Saw Hell

Medjugorje - Jakov

Seer: I Saw Hell

From La Luce di Maria:
Here is the interview that Jakov released to Father Livio of Radio Maria, talking about his trip to Hell:
JAKOV: Yes. Just thinking back to hell, I get …
PADRE LIVIO: Do you get chills?
JAKOV: I get chills and I just feel bad.
FATHER LIVIO: Do you feel bad about it? But what did you see, what did you see, so at a glance at the first moment?
JAKOV: We saw a fire. (…) The moment I looked I saw a fire and inside the fire …
FATHER LIVIO: Was the fire great?
JAKOV: Yes. And I’ve seen people, but they weren’t people. He was a kind of people who transformed, and then immediately I …
FATHER LIVIO: What turned into what?
JAKOV: In a type of animal.


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