Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Amazon Synod cardinals and bishops interpret Vatican Council II like the MHFM, SSPX and SSPX Resistance : they all use a false premise and inference to create a rupture with Tradition

  Image result for Photos Amazon Synod

The cardinals and bishops at the Amazon Synod interpret Vatican Council II like the MHFM, SSPX, SSPX Resistance,FSSP etc : they all use a false premise and inference to create a rupture with Tradition. None of them interpret the Council with Feeneyism.Then the Lefebvrists wrongly blame the Council.-Lionel Andrades




December 26, 2017

The Most Holy Family Monastery like the SSPX and SSPX Resistance groups interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism, they use a false premise

The Most Holy Family Monastery like the SSPX and SSPX Resistance groups interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism, they use a false premise instead of avoiding it. So  with a false premise their conclusion is non traditional and heretical for me.
-Lionel Andrades

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