Monday, October 21, 2019

The interpretation of Vatican Council II by Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Diane Montagna is Masonic and so is that of Fr.John Zuhlsdorf and Roberto dei Mattei. It is modernist and superficial. It allows them to keep their privileges.


The interpretation of Vatican Council II by Bishop Athanasius Schneider  and Diane Montagna is Masonic and so is that of Fr.John Zuhlsdorf and Roberto dei Mattei. It is modernist and superficial. It allows them to keep their privileges.
On the front row of the presentation of the books sits Fr. John Zuhlsdorf. Like the Bologna School he interprets the Council with the false premise and does not deny it.So Vatican Council II is made a rupture with with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). He tells Michael Sean Winters that he does not interpret EENS like Fr. Leonard Feeney. For him there are practical exceptions. So he likes this book which interprets the Council as a  break with the past ecclesiology, instead of supporting it.
Also sitting on the front row was Roberto dei Mattei. He projects being saved in invincible ignorance as an exception to Feeneyite EENS. He also needed to interpret LG 16 as an exception to EENS. This is how Schneider interprets the Council as a rupture with EENS.
It is not a mistake for all of them but they continue for this is the approved interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS by the present two popes and the ADL and SPLC.
 Bishop Schneider and Diane Montagna would have given positive hope to the people  with Feeneyite theology, especially with Feeneyite Vatican Council II's traditional conclusions.
Schneider's website shows how limited he is. He can only see Vatican Council II with Christology i.e Christ is needed for salvation. There is no ecclesiocentrism in Vatican Council II for him i.e the Church is necessary , membership in the Church is necessary for salvation.

For me Vatican Council II is ecclesiocentric.Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation and LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3 ,NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to " zero cases" (John Martignoni) and ' people who technically exist only on paper'(Ann Barnhardt).Theoretical cases in 2019. So there are no real exceptions to the ecumenism of return of the Syllabus of Errors. There is no rupture with the past ecclesiology associated with the Athanasius Creed or the Tridentine Rite Mass.The Oath Against Modernism is not violated with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).I am not modernist or Masonic nor presenting a new theology.
On the front row during the presentation of the book sits Roberto dei Mattei. He projects being saved in invincible ignorance as an exception to EENS. So he implies that there are known people saved outside the Church in invincible ignorance.Otherwise how can there be exceptions  to EENS for him?Like Fr. John Zuhlsdorf he needs to interpret LG 16 as a rupture with EENS, otherwise he would be affirming traditional EENS and not EENS with exceptions.He would be a Feeneyite. This will not be acceptable for the Left.So Mattei and Zuhlsdorf interpret Vatican Council II and EENS  as having exceptions.
They simply have to say that Lumen Gentium does not contradict EENS but they cannot do so.Why talk about the Bologna School ? Simply say that Ad Gentes does not contradict the traditional concept of mission and proclamation. There are no known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire.
They cannot do something as simple as this. 
This could be a reason why Schneider's book was useful for them.Michael Sean Winters cannot now accuse any of them of supporting Fr. Leonard Feeney.Outside the Church there is salvation( BOD, BOB and I.I) for Schneider and Montagna.LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc are examples of outside the Church there being exceptions.

Prof. De Mattei: “Today we are the voice of Tradition, which is asking the Pope to be heard. Our voice transmits a teaching that comes from afar and it asks the Pope to listen with no less attention than he reserved for the so-called ‘ancestral wisdom’ of indigenous peoples” 1/2


I once briefly met Roberto dei Mattei at his office in Rome, I went there to meet him and check information. John Henry Westen on Life Site News had a report. He said that Mattei was a professor at a university in Rome. The university officials told me he was no more a professor there.I asked Mattei about it but he did not want to talk about it.
He also did not want to listen to what I had to say on what I write on this blog. He was waiting for someone he said and was in a hurry even though that person had not arrived.He did not accept Fr. Leonard Feeney's position on EENS.He is Lefbvrist on EENS of course.BOD, BOB and I.I are practical exceptions to EENS for them.He took my e-mail number but did not contact me.This was a few years back and we have never met since that time.
What's the point in meeting? He has to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with EENS to be politically correct with the Left and keep his media, speak at conferences and promote books like Bishop Schneider's which safely interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.
It would be a waste of time talking to him on Vatican Council II and EENS. I can understand why Schneider 's book was important for him and he was on the front row and one of the speakers.Schneider is preserving the old status quo  and the old illusion.It is expedient. There is no proclamation of the faith and it is politically correct with the enemies of the Church.This is important for Mattei and Fr. Zuhlsdorf.
Robero dei Mattei praised Pope Francis during his talk at the presentation of the book and called upon him to proclaim the ancient faith.Neither are the two popes and Mattei willing to also procliam the ancient faith on salvation with no known exceptions.
They want Pope Francis to be magnanimous and brave  while they write books  and give talks , interpreting the Council  like the Masons and living their peaceful, non controversial life.
Schneider, Mattei,Zuhlsdorf and others do not want to proclaim the faith and go to prison but prefer to give talks at expensive hotels.
There is a Catholic Identity Conference to be held next month in the USA.Bishop Schneider, Diane Montagna and Michael Matt are the speakers and they will not proclaim the faith.But they will come back next year and the year next to repeat the same thing.
They have been at this for years.People send them donations and do not ask them to please proclaim the faith and not just criticize others who do not do so.-Lionel Andrades

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