Wednesday, October 23, 2019

We are Catholics and not just Christians was the message needed to brought out at the political Salvini-Meloni-Berlusconi political rally on Saturday. We have a common faith which says there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church(AG 7, Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846).

We are Catholics and not just Christians was the message    needed to brought out at the political Salvini-Meloni-Berlusconi political rally on Saturday.
We have a common faith which says there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church(AG 7, Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846).
 Image result for Photo  Salvini Meloni Ber meeting in Rome
This is our Faith which the Left is trying to change in Italy.Catholic priests are not allowed to talk about Hell,the Good Friday Prayer has to be changed and m no mission offices can be opened.These are some of the restrictions on Catholics in Catholic Italy.
Churches here have been taken over by the Government and placques on church doors say they are the property of the state.An lay committee appointed by the state overseas the working of the church and the priests.
Catholics are not free to proclaim the faith or worship God as they choose.But there is freedom for the things of Satan.
Evolution is taught in schools even though there is no scientific basis for it and children are taught to hate the Catholic Church and Catholic beliefs.
The leftist goverment and the European Union is attacking Italy's Catholic ethos through Muslim migration. The leftist slogan seems, in general emlpoyment, 'foreignors first'.This creates bad feelings among a populatiion which is coping with an invasion and not simple, legal and controlled immigration which they would welcome.
The Leftist Prime Minister tells Catholic politicians and Catholics in general when and where to pray the rosary, in the name of a personal Leftist ethic. Italy is a Catholic country and they are trying to change it.
-Lionel Andrades 

October 22, 2019

Salvini-Meloni-Berlusconi political meeting : the faith does not have a unity for them.When the political parties return to EENS with no exceptions , they have the support of the Catholic faith, in unity.Then the faith has a unity.


October 22, 2019

I hope Steve Bannon has not read Joseph Clifford Fenton, Archbishop Lefebvre, Michael Davies, Robert dei Mattei, Chris Ferrara and John Vennari and also Joseph Ratzinger and Cardinal Kasper.This is asking too much. But there is a mistake in the writings of these traditionalists and liberals.They support the Leftist ideology and prevent the Church from going back to Tradition. It is still possible to go back to Tradition and have a unity in our faith with one small move. Bannon and Harnwell have to interpret Vatican Council II as not being an exception to Tradition.


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