Friday, November 8, 2019

Drug dealer has three shops on one street in Rome and apartment nearby : uses mobile advertising on city-streets

A drug dealer has three shops on one street in Rome and an apartment nearby.He and his family use mobile advertising on city-streets. They sell cannabis.
 The drug dealers are allowed to promote  their hard drugs through various legal sales techniques.They use vans and  small floats  in Rome and exhibit their products through central Rome.
 Image result for Photo drug addicts in rome italyImage result for Photo drug addicts in rome italyImage result for Photo drug addicts in rome italy
On one small street in central Rome a drug dealer has three shops and lives in an apartment nearby. Along side churches and convents  new shops are being opened to cater the new addicts.
 Image result for Photo drug addicts in rome italy
The same people who are promoting these drugs  at canabis shops,through go carts and other mobile means, in Rome, would have been killed if they did the same in their home country, in Pakistan-Afghanisation.
-Lionel Andrades

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