Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mae Prifysgol Notre Dame, UDA yn rhoi gradd diwinyddiaeth ffug gan fod yr addysgu'n seiliedig ar ddehongliad afresymol o Gyngor y Fatican II.

TACHWEDD 26, 2019
Mae Prifysgol Notre Dame, UDA yn rhoi gradd diwinyddiaeth ffug gan fod yr addysgu'n seiliedig ar ddehongliad afresymol o Gyngor y Fatican II.
Addysgir y Cyngor fel rhwyg gyda Thraddodiad Catholig yn lle cefnogi eglwysig ecsgliwsif, eciwmeniaeth dychwelyd ac EENS traddodiadol.
Roedd Patricia Hackett, yr ymgeisydd cyngresol Democrataidd a siaradodd yn Ysgol y Gyfraith Notre Dame, yn wahanol i Gyngor y Fatican II yn yr Eglwys Gatholig. Mae'r Cyngor yn cefnogi eglwysig ecsgliwsif. Mae ganddo radd meistr mewn diwinyddiaeth o Brifysgol Notre Dame, yn ôl y Gatholig Genedlaethol. Gohebydd. Sut bynnag nad yw'r NCR yn nodi ei fod yn radd diwinyddiaeth ffug. Oherwydd bod yr addysgu wedi'i seilio ar ymyrraeth afresymol yng Nghyngor y Fatican II. Dehonglwyd y Cyngor fel rhwyg â Thraddodiad.

Cyngor y Fatican II yw'r sylfaen ar gyfer cyhoeddi Teyrnasiad Cymdeithasol Crist y Brenin, peidio â gwahanu'r Eglwys a'r Wladwriaeth a Chyfansoddiad Catholig yn seiliedig ar ffydd draddodiadol a dysgeidiaeth foesol yr Eglwys Caholic.

 Dywed Cyngor y Fatican II fod angen ffydd a bedydd ar bawb er iachawdwriaeth (AG 7). Felly mae gan y Cyngor eglwysig eglwysig nid yw cyfryngau Catholig yn adrodd ar hyn. Achosion damcaniaethol a hapfasnachol o bobl nad ydynt yn Babyddion a arbedwyd y tu allan i'r Eglwys (LG 8, LG 14, Nid yw LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 ac ati) yn wrthrychol. Nid ydynt yn eithriadau gwrthrychol i Ad Gentes 7 na'r dogma ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) ychwanegol. Hynny yw, nid oedd bedydd awydd, bedydd gwaed a chael eu hachub mewn anwybodaeth anorchfygol erioed yn wrthrychol. Nid oeddent erioed yn eithriadau llythrennol i Feeneyite EENS. Nid yw'r athrawon yn Adran Diwinyddiaeth Notre Dame yn dehongli'r Cyngor mewn cytgord ag ecsgliwsif. ecclesioleg, eciwmeniaeth dychweliad a Feeneyite ecclesiam nulla salus ychwanegol. Hon oedd y radd ffug gyffredin, a gymeradwywyd yn wleidyddol mewn diwinyddiaeth a dderbyniodd. Roedd yr addysgu yn seiliedig ar ymyrraeth afresymol o Gyngor y Fatican II trwy ddefnyddio rhagosodiad ffug i greu casgliad anhraddodiadol.-Lionel Andrades


NOVEMBER 26, 2019

Notre Dame University, USA grants a fake theology degreee since the teaching is based upon an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.The Council is taught as a rupture with Catholic Tradition instead of supporting an exclusivist ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and traditional EENS

Patricia Hackett the  Democratic congressional candidate who spoke at Notre Dame Law School was out of step with Vatican Council II in the Catholic Church.The Council supports an exclusivist ecclesiology.She holds a master's degree in theology from Notre Dame University, according to the National Catholic Reporter.However the NCR does not state that it is a fake theology degree.Since the teaching was based on an irrational interpetation of Vatican Council II.The Council was interpreted as a rupture with Tradition.

Vatican Council II is the basis for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King, the non separation of Church and State and a Catholic Constitution based upon the traditional faith and moral teachings of the Caholic Church.1


 Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation (AG 7).So the Council has an ecclesiocentric ecclesiology this is not being reported by Catholic media.Hypothetical and speculative cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church (LG 8, LG 14, LG 16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc) are not objective.They are not objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 or the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). In other words the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance never ever were objective.They never ever were literal exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.The professors at Notre Dame Department of Theology do not interpret the Council in harmony with an exclusivist ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It was the common fake, politcally approved degree in theology which she received.The teaching was based on an irrational interpetation of Vatican Council II with the use of a false premise to create a non traditional conclusion.-Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 26, 2019

Catholic media in the USA and the rest of the world do not work to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with extra ecclesiam nulla salus and have Christ as the center of all politics and laws in America

NOVEMBER 25, 2019

Patricia Hackett must also uphold a Catholic's right to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with extra ecclesiam nulla salus and have Christ as the center of all politcs and laws in America 


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