Monday, November 25, 2019

Mionn Dílseachta an Easpaig: conas a léirmhíníonn sé Comhairle na Vatacáine II?

Dé Luain, 25 Samhain, 2019
Mionn Dílseachta an Easpaig: conas a léirmhíníonn sé Comhairle na Vatacáine II?
Image result for Photo Giuramento di Fedelta di Vescovo Cattolico Photo
Tá sé simplí do easpag an Mionn Dílseachta a aithris. Caithfidh sé freisin a léirmhíniú ar Chomhairle na Vatacáine II a shoiléiriú. Cén chaoi a léirmhíníonn sé LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 srl i gComhairle na Vatacáine II? An dtagraíonn siad do dhaoine dofheicthe agus nach bhfuil le feiceáil ann faoi láthair? Sa lá atá inniu ann, glacann na heaspaig ar fad leis gur daoine oibiachtúla iad na cásanna hipitéiseacha seo (LG 8 srl) in 2019. Is eisceachtaí iad ó thaobh eicea-eaglasta nulla salus agus na heaglastaíochta roimhe seo. Ó tharla gur eisceachtaí iad bheadh ​​orthu a bheith ar eolas agus infheicthe. daoine. Ní féidir le daoine dofheicthe a bheith ina n-eisceachtaí praiticiúla do gach duine a dteastaíonn uathu dul isteach san Eaglais le haghaidh slánú.
Mar sin leis an earráid seo aithrisíonn an t-easpag Creed Nicene. Ansin tá a mhionn dílseachta gan chiall. Ós rud é go ndeimhníonn sé heresy agus modernism. Ateangaireacht bréagach a dhéanann sé ar Chomhairle na Vatacáine II.


Tá sé mar an gcéanna le haghaidh Gairm Creidimh, le sagart nó le bean rialta. Míníonn an uacht cáipéisí maorga go neamhréasúnach.
Má thagraíonn LG 8 srl do dhaoine sofheicthe a shábháiltear lasmuigh den Eaglais, is eol go bhfuil slánú taobh amuigh den Eaglais. Mar sin, éiríonn an Athanasius Creed agus an Siollabas Earráidí agus Catechisms, a dhearbhaíonn an t-am atá caite eaglasta imithe i léig.
Má bhaineann LG 8 srl i gComhairle na Vatacáine II le cásanna hipitéiseacha amháin, ansin ní samplaí oibiachtúla iad de shlánú lasmuigh den Eaglais. Ní heisceachtaí liteartha iad don eaglasta breise nulla salus, an Creed Athanasius, Siollabas Earráidí etc. Níl aon athrú ar ár dtuiscint ar Chreid Nicene agus Apostles. chun maithiúnas na bpeacaí is féidir a riar arís agus arís eile. Níl trí bhaiste a bhfuil aithne phearsanta orthu. Ní féidir linn a fheiceáil go bhfaigheann duine baisteadh an dúil agus ní féidir linn é a thabhairt do dhuine eile.
Luaigh mé i bpost blag roimhe seo go bhfuil Gairm an Chreidimh gan úsáid inniu. Is é is brí leis an Mionn i gCoinne na Nua-Aoise ná gur chóir a iarraidh ar Chaitlicigh conas a dhéanann siad léirmhíniú ar Chomhairle na Vatacáine II. Cén chaoi a léirmhíníonn siad LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 srl i gComhairle na Vatacáine II? An bhfuil siad dofheicthe nó sofheicthe, intuigthe nó follasach, suibiachtúil nó oibiachtúil, hipitéiseach nó fíor, duitse? Cinneann sé seo go bhfuil muid dílis nó nua-aimseartha, ceartchreidmheach nó neamhthocsainteach. Cinneann sé an bhfuilimid i ndáiríre Caitliceach nó anseo.
Má bhaineann LG 8 srl i gComhairle na Vatacáine II le cásanna hipitéiseacha amháin, ansin ní samplaí oibiachtúla iad de shlánú lasmuigh den Eaglais. Ní heisceachtaí liteartha iad don eaglasta breise nulla salus, an Creed Athanasius, Siollabas Earráidí etc. Níl aon athrú ar ár dtuiscint ar Chreid Nicene agus Apostles. chun maithiúnas na bpeacaí is féidir a riar arís agus arís eile. Níl trí bhaiste a bhfuil aithne phearsanta orthu. Ní féidir linn a fheiceáil go bhfaigheann duine baisteadh an dúil agus ní féidir linn é a thabhairt do dhuine eile.
Luaigh mé i bpost blag roimhe seo go bhfuil Gairm an Chreidimh gan úsáid inniu. Is é is brí leis an Mionn i gCoinne na Nua-Aoise ná gur chóir a iarraidh ar Chaitlicigh conas a dhéanann siad léirmhíniú ar Chomhairle na Vatacáine II. Cén chaoi a léirmhíníonn siad LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 srl i gComhairle na Vatacáine II? An bhfuil siad dofheicthe nó sofheicthe, intuigthe nó follasach, suibiachtúil nó oibiachtúil, hipitéiseach nó fíor, duitse? Cinneann sé seo go bhfuilimid dílis nó nua-aimseartha, ceartchreidmheach nó neamhthocsainteach. Cinneann sé an bhfuil muid i ndáiríre Caitliceach nó anseo. - Lionel Andrades

ovember 25, 2019

Bishop's Oath of Fidelity : how does he interpret Vatican Council II ?

Image result for Photo Giuramento di Fedelta di Vescovo Cattolico Photo

It is simple for a bishop to recite the Oath of Fidelity.However he also must clarify his interpretation of Vatican Council II. How does he  interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II ? Do they refer to  invisible and not visible people in the present times ?.Are they  examples of known people saved outside the Catholic Church? Today all the bishops assume that these hypothetical cases (LG 8 etc) are objective people in 2019. They are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the past ecclesiology.Since they are exceptions they would have to be known and visible. people. Invisible people cannot be practical exceptions to all needing to enter the Church for salvation.
So with this error the bishop recites the Nicene Creed. Then his Oath of Fidelity really is meaningless. Since he affirms ing heresy and modernism.He interprets Vatican Council II with a false reasoning.

It is the same for a Profession of Faith, of a priest or nun. The will  interpret magisterial documents irrationally.They must not be obedient to a superior, for example, who interprets Vatican Council ii, irrationally.
If LG 8 etc refers to visible people saved outside the Church, there is known salvation outside the Church. So the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors and Catechisms, which affirm the past ecclesiology become obsolete.The interpretation of the Nicene and Apostles Creed  change.
If LG 8 etc in Vatican Council II refer to hypothetical cases only, then they are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church. They are are not literal exceptions  to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Athanasius Creed, Syllabus of Errors etc.There is no change in our understanding of the Nicene and Apostles Creed .Outside the Church there is no salvation.There is one known baptism for the forgiveness of sins which can be administered repeatedly. There are not three personally known baptisms. We cannot see someone receive the baptism of desire and neither can we give it to someone.The Nicene Creed refers to one known baptism in real life.
I have mentioned in a previous blog post that the Profession of Faith is useless today. The Oath Against Modernism is meaningless.Instead Catholics should be asked how do they interpret Vatican Council II. How do they interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II ? Are they invisible or visible, implicit or explicit, subjective or objective,hypothetical or real, for you ?. This decides it.It decides if we are faithful or modernist, orthodox or unorthodox.It decides if we really are Catholic or heretical.One interpretation is rational and the other irrational.-Lionel Andrades

Primer on Feeneyism and Cushingism


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