Monday, November 25, 2019

Moramo biti svjesni web stranica Lefebvrist koja iranski tumače Vatikanski sabor II i extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).

Image result for Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X.

25. studenog 2019
Moramo biti svjesni web stranica Lefebvrist koja iranski tumače Vatikanski sabor II i extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).

Moramo biti svjesni web stranica Lefebvrist koja iranski tumače Vatikanski sabor II i extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). Pretpostavljaju da su nepoznati slučajevi krštenja želja, krštenja krvlju i spasenja u nepobjedivoj neznanju poznati izuzeci od Feeneyite EENS. Oni također pogrešno pretpostavljaju da su hipotetski slučajevi LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 itd. U Vatikanskom saboru II. , jesu li doslovni ljudi spašeni izvan Crkve 2019. Dakle, Vatikanski sabor II postaje rušenje s EENS-om za njih.
Image result for Archbishop  Marcel Lefebvre  photos
Lefebvristi tumače Vatikanski sabor II, EENS i Katekizme poput modernista. Tako ih ljevica tolerira.

Neke od web stranica / blogova Lefbvrista koji su Cushingite i ne žele mijenjati filozofiju i teologiju Feeneyite. To su Rorate Caeili, LifeSite News, Corrispondenza Romano od Roberta dei Matteija, web stranica Fr.Johna Zuhlsdorfa, Ostatak vijesti Michaela Matt-a i blog Sandra Magistera. Tada je web stranica Jedan Petar Pet, te Družba svetog Pija X. i sedevacantisti.

Isto je i za Julie na blogu Connecticut Catholic Corner.
Čak i sadašnja dva papa i Kongregacija za nauk vjere tumače magistralne dokumente s kušizmom (tj. Nevidljivi su ljudi vidljivi) umjesto feeneizmom (nepoznati ljudi nisu poznati). S lažnom pretpostavkom stvaraju netradicionalni zaključak.
Zatim postoje blogovi / web stranice koje su Feeneyite na EENS-u, ali Cushingite na Vatikanskom saboru II. Na njih je utjecao nadbiskup Lefebvre ili druga crkvena umjetnost koja su nastala pod Lefebvrejem.

Na primjer, robovi Bezgrješnog Srca Marijina, u centru Svetog Benedikta, rijeka Still, Massachusetts, Feeneyite na EENS-u, ali Cushingite na Vatikanskom saboru II. Isto tako Michael i Peter Dimond u samostanu Presvete obitelji, sv. SAD su Feeneyite na EENS-u, ali Cushingite na II Vatikanskom vijeću.

Michael Voris, Christine Niles, Simon Rafe i Bradley Eli na Church Militant TV-u su Cushhingite na EENS-u i Vatikanskom Coulcilu II, pa tako i nadbiskup u Detroitu, Allen H. Vigneron i njegova kurija. Nadbiskup odobrava kushingitsku teologiju koja se predaje u profesori većeg sjemeništa Presveto srce, među kojima su Robert Fastiggi i Ralph Martin.
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Kardinal Raymond Leo Burke i biskup Athanasius Schneider kushingiti su poput liberala, kardinala Kasper, Koch, Muller, Hummes, Wuerl i McCarrick. -Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 25, 2019

We have to be aware of the Lefebvrist websites which interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) irrationally.

Image result for Archbishop  Marcel Lefebvre  photos
We have to be aware of the Lefebvrist websites which interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)  irrationally. They assume unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are known exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.They also wrongly assume that hypothetical cases of LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, are literal people saved outside the Church in 2019.So Vatican Council II becomes a rupture with EENS for them.
The Lefebvrists interpret Vatican Council II, EENS and the Catechisms, like the modernists. So the Left tolerates them.
Image result for Michael and Peter Dimond   photosImage result for Michael and Peter Dimond   photos  
Some of the Lefbvrist websites/blogs which are Cushingite and do not want to make the change to Feeneyite philosophy and theology.They are Rorate Caeili, LifeSite News, Corrispondenza Romano of Roberto dei Mattei, Fr.John Zuhlsdorf's website, Remnant News of Michael Matt and Sandro Magister's blog.Then there is the website One Peter Five, and those of the Society of St. Pius X  and the sedevacantists.
Image result for Michael and Peter Dimond   photos
It is the same for Julie at the blog Connecticut Catholic Corner.
Even the present two popes and the  Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith interpret magisterial documents with Cushingism( i.e invisible people are visible) instead of Feeneyism ( unknown people are not known).With a false premise they create a non traditional conclusion.
Then there are blogs/websites which are Feeneyite on EENS but Cushingite on Vatican Council II.They have been influenced by Archbishop Lefebvre or other ecclesiastics who have had their formation under Lefebvre.
Image result for Michael and Peter Dimond   photos  Image result for Michael and Peter Dimond   photos
Image result for Michael and Peter Dimond   photos  Image result for Michael and Peter Dimond   photos
For example , the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,at the St. Benedict Center, Still River, Mass., USA,are Feeneyite on EENS but Cushingite on Vatican Council II.Similarly Michael and Peter Dimond at the Most Holy Family Monastery, USA are Feeneyite on EENS but Cushingite on Vatican Council II.
Michael Voris, Christine Niles, Simon Rafe and Bradley Eli at Church Militant TV are Cushingite on EENS and Vatican Cou ncil II and so is the Archbishop of Detroit, Allen H. Vigneron and his Curia.The Archbishop approves of the Cushingite theology being taught at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary by the professors including Robert Fastiggi and Ralph Martin.
Image result for Archbishop  Marcel Lefebvre  photos
Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider are Cushingites like the liberals, Cardinals Kasper, Koch, Muller, Hummes, Wuerl and McCarrick.-Lionel Andrades

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