Saturday, November 16, 2019

Most of the books on Vatican Council II should not be there in the public and pontifical libraries . They should be sent back to the publishers if it is possible.They use a false premise and inference and then conclude with various new theories.Fr. Hans Kung sj is an example. So is Cardinal Walter Kasper.Their books should be removed from the libraries for being deceptive or the writers innocently being in ignorance.

Most of the books on Vatican Council II should not be there in the public and pontifical libraries . They should be sent back to the publishers if it is possible.They use a false premise and inference and then conclude with various new theories.Fr. Hans Kung sj is an example. So is Cardinal Walter Kasper.Their books should be removed from the libraries for being deceptive or the writers innocently being in ignorance.
If a book was full of plagiarized passages  it would be removed. If books use a false premise, as a them and re-interpret Vatican Council II irrationally ( when a rational option is there),and then project all the new theories, as a new revelation or development, in the Catholic Church, it should not be there in the library.
Fr. Kung has been at this deception for 50 years. He has grown old and his understanding of Vatican Council II is outdated and unethical.-Lionel Andrades

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