Monday, November 25, 2019

Patricia Hackett must also uphold a Catholic's right to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with extra ecclesiam nulla salus and have Christ as the center of all politics and laws in Amercia

NOTRE DAME, INDIANA — Scarcely a month after U.S. Attorney General William Barr gave a controversial address on religious freedom at the University of Notre Dame Law School, an adjunct professor at the school and Democratic congressional candidate argued that Barr's remarks were "theologically ill-informed" and also "dangerous to the rule of law within our constitutional republic."
"His positions are inconsistent with the theological anthropology of grace," she argued during her address. "By 'grace,' I mean God's work and presence within Creation, which is essential to Catholicism's commitment to the dignity of all persons, which, within Catholicism, grounds a person's right to religious freedom as a civil right."  Patricia Hackett made her case in McCartan Courtroom, the same cavernous law school auditorium that an invitation-only audience had filled for Barr's Oct. 11 address, which instantly and nationally sparked intense reactions, both positive and negative. 

"I was dismayed when I read his remarks," Hackett told NCR in her South Bend law office a few days after her Nov. 12 address. A practicing attorney and a graduate of Notre Dame Law School, she is also now, for the second time, seeking the Democratic nomination to run for Congress in Indiana's 2nd District against a three-term Republican incumbent, Rep. Jackie Walorski.
But it was deeply held values drawn from her education in Catholic theology and the law — not political motivations — that drew her to respond, she said.
"Mr. Barr's analysis of religious freedom, in my judgment, is inconsistent with his duties as the sitting Attorney General of the United States," Hackett explained. "And what he said about the Judeo-Christian tradition was theologically and historically inaccurate. I would go so far to say that I have never read or heard remarks from a government official in the United States that were so inaccurate and disturbing."
Hackett, who also holds a master's degree in theology from Notre Dame, also did graduate theology work at the Catholic University of America. The daughter of two attorneys and raised in suburban Detroit, she confessed that after she read Barr's talk, she felt a persistent nudge, a personal responsibility to "correct the record." She titled her talk, "Contempt of Grace: The Theological and Legal Error of William Barr's Understanding of Religious Freedom..."  
"His positions are inconsistent with the theological anthropology of grace," she argued during her address. "By 'grace,' I mean God's work and presence within Creation, which is essential to Catholicism's commitment to the dignity of all persons, which, within Catholicism, grounds a person's right to religious freedom as a civil right..."  
Religious freedom must also accept the right of a Catholic to affirm the traditional faith without Vatican Council II being interpreted with an irrationality to create a rupture with Tradition and the socio-politico priority to have Jesus as the center of all political legislation.- National Catholic Reporter, Notre Dame adjunct rebuts Barr's contentious talk on religious freedom,Nov 22, 2019

Patricia Hackett the  Democratic congressional candidate who spoke at Notre Dame Law School was out of step with Vatican Council II in the Catholic Church.The Council supports an exclusivist ecclesiology.It is the basis for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King, the non separation of Church and State and a Catholic Constitution based upon the traditional faith and moral teachings of the Caholic Church.
 Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation (AG 7).So the Council has an ecclesiocentric ecclesiology.Hypothetical and speculative cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church (LG 8, LG 14, LG 16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc) are not objective.They are not objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 or the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). In other words the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance never ever were objective.They never ever were literal exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. Ecclesiastical Masonry had it wrong and so did the Americanists.
Patricia Hackett's 'education in Catholic theology and the law' was flawed and definitely not Catholic. 
Hackett, who holds a master's degree in theology from Notre Dame University and did graduate theology work at the Catholic University of America according to the NCR report, and is an attorney, must also uphold the right of Catholics, and a Catholic university, to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).She could support a Catholic's political goal to have Christ, as the center of all politics and laws in America.
Hackett supports the Enlightenment which ushered in Satanic values throughout the world and called it freedom.Priests and nuns were killed. Catholics wre not allowed to proclaim their faith.A political non separation was created, between Satanic secularism and State.The result can be seen today.Annual abortion, it is resported, has crossed the billion mark in the world.This is a regression and not enlightenment.
Hacket said  of the U.S Attorney General  Barr , "His positions are inconsistent with the theological anthropology of grace,".God's salvation is open to all in potential, but to receive it all need to enter the Catholic Church. So it is restrictive.God has chosen to be restricitive.Only women have babies and not men. Water falls in one direction and not two, says the Catholic apologist  Peter Kreeft.
Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation(AG 7).Non Catholics have to respond to God's grace and enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.This is how God chose it.
She said ,"By 'grace,' I mean God's work and presence within Creation, which is essential to Catholicism's commitment to the dignity of all persons, which, within Catholicism, grounds a person's right to religious freedom as a civil right."  Catholics too, have a political right to religious freedom and its expression.This means calling homosexuality and abortion a mortal sin.Hacket could support a Catholic's right to follow ones conscience.He or she should not be forced to pray for abortion or bake a cake for a homosexual wedding.Leftist coercion must be corrected too when they forget the right to human dignity and freedom.-Lionel Andrades

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