Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pope Francis needs to tell Eugenio Scalfari that articles and reports in his newspaper on Vatican Council II have a built-in error : Andrea Tornielli needs to clean up the Vatican websites which carry the same mistake

Pope Francis needs to tell Eugenio Scalfari that all the articles and reports in his leftist newspaper on Vatican Council II have a built-in error.
Image result for Photos of  Eugenio Scalfari e papa Francesco photos
Scalfari cannot 'follow his conscience' and let those books and articles on Vatican Council II remain as they are. He has also published paperbacks with the error.
Vatican Council II is saying all need faith and the baptism of water for salvation(AG 7). So the Council acknowledges the traditional teaching on the last things.Hell exists. Heaven exists . We cannot vaporize into nothing after death.All non Catholics are outside the Catholic Church. This is the Conciliar teaching.
So those La Repubblica reports on Vatican Council II carry a mistake. Scalfari made a mistake and so did the editors of the other leftist newspapers and media.
It is the same with La Stampa and the rest of the mainstream media in Italy.Andrea Tornielli made the same mistake in his numerous articles on the Council, when writing for La Stampa(Vatican Insider).
This is now an international story, a big story.
They all used a false premise and inference to interpret the Council,accepted the non traditional conclusion and then assumed it was the teaching of the Holy Spirit ( magisterium).
Now they may realize that without the mistake the Council supports the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus. There is a big silence. It's un-believable for them.
Image result for Photos of  Andrea Tornielli  e papa Francesco photosImage result for Vatican Insider Tornielli La Stampa Photo

Pope Francis also needs to identify the error on the Vatcian websites.
Andrea Tornielli is editorial director of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication. He may know that all those articles on the Vatican website, have interpreted the Council with a false premise and so the conclusion is a rupture with Tradition.This is an objective error.It is irrational.
The articles and reports need to be reviewed and then pulled down.-Lionel Andrades

Image result for Photos of  libri  sul Concilio Vaticano II di Carlo M Martini

Image result for Photos of  libri  sul Concilio Vaticano II in Italiano di Scalfari
Il Concilio Vaticano II. L'ermeneutica della riforma

Image result for Photos of  libri  sul Concilio Vaticano II in Italiano du Cardinale Kasper

Una Chiesa per gli altri

Cristologia e Concilio Vaticano II

La Chiesa è infallibile, ma il Vaticano II no

This is from the Vatican website.Note Cardinal Walter Kasper has made a mistake. He assumes there are known exceptions to the exclusive understanding of no salvation outside the Church, as held by Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.So for him invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire would be literal exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).He makes the same error when interpreting Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition. He assumes that Vatican Council II ( LG 16,LG 14  etc) are exceptions to the traditional understanding of exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.So he has wrongly interpreted the Council as a rupture with Tradition.He has mistaken unknown and invisible non Catholics  as being visible and known examples of salvation outside the Church in the present times.This is irrational.
This is also the mistake made in articles written on Vatican Council II in  La Stampa, La Repubblica, Vatican Insider and the L'Expresso(La Republica) reports of Sandro Magister.

(Rocca di Papa, MONDO MIGLIORE, 11,12 and 13 November 2004)
Rocca di Papa (Mondo Migliore)
Thursday, 11 November 2004
Lasting significance and urgency
of Unitatis redintegratio

DECEMBER 22, 2017

The Decree on Ecumenism –
Read Anew After Forty Years



November 17, 2019

Pope Francis needs to tell Eugenio Scalfari that articles and reports in his newspaper on Vatican Council II have a built-in error : Andrea Tornielli needs to clean up the Vatican websites which carry the same mistake 


November 18, 2019

Papa Francesco deve dire a Eugenio Scalfari che articoli e rapporti nel suo giornale sul Concilio Vaticano II hanno un errore : Andrea Tornielli deve ripulire i siti web del Vaticano che portano lo stesso errore



November 18, 2019

O Papa Francisco precisa dizer a Eugenio Scalfari que artigos e reportagens em seu jornal no Concílio Vaticano II têm um erro embutido: Andrea Tornielli precisa limpar os sites do Vaticano que cometem o mesmo erro



November 18, 2019

Le pape François doit dire à Eugenio Scalfari que les articles et les reportages de son journal sur le Concile Vatican II comportent une erreur intrinsèque: Andrea Tornielli doit nettoyer les sites Web du Vatican qui portent la même erreur. 


November 18, 2019

Papst Franziskus muss Eugenio Scalfari mitteilen, dass Artikel und Berichte in seiner Zeitung über das II. Vatikanische Konzil einen Fehler enthalten: Andrea Tornielli muss die Websites des Vatikans bereinigen, die denselben Fehler enthalten


November 18, 2019

Papa Francesco deve dire a Eugenio Scalfari che articoli e rapporti nel suo giornale sul Concilio Vaticano II hanno un errore : Andrea Tornielli deve ripulire i siti web del Vaticano che portano lo stesso errore



NOVEMBER 17, 2019

Image result for Photo dustbin for books

Operation Dustbin

 Cover for 9780199593255Cover for 9780198709763Cover for 9780199659272Cover for 9780198717522Cover for 9780195332674

The Oxford University Press has produced many books on Vatican Council II based upon a false premise. A deceptive rupture is created with Catholic Tradition

NOVEMBER 5, 2019

Before the Jesuits write new books on Vatican Council II someone has to inform them that LG 8, LG 14,LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical cases only in 2019 and they are not real and known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So Lumen Gentium does not contradict the past ecclesiology, LG 16 and GS 22 are not practical exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and there is nothing in Unitatis Redintigratio to contradict an ecumenism of return.

OCTOBER 29, 2019

Theological Highlights of Vatican II by Joseph Ratzinger (2009-09-01)

Such a staggering thought.All those thousands of books, numerous, written on Vatican Council II have a major theological error. They should be thrown into the dustbin- O'Malley, Kasper, Faggioli,Gherardini,Mattei, Ferrara.They violate Newton's laws of physics and Aristotle's Principle of Non Contradiction.

OCTOBER 28, 2019

Image result for Photo Fr.Thomas Hardon  booksImage result for Photo joseph clifford fenton's books

Repost : Books to avoid - Fenton and Hardon's theology is off the rails

AUGUST 25, 2019

Many Catholic books on salvation and Vatican Council II are written with irrational Cushingite philosophy and theology

OCTOBER 27, 2019

Books on Vatican Council II should not receive the Imprimatur: authors interpret the Council with a false premise to create an artificial rupture with Tradition

-Lionel Andrades


OCTOBER 26, 2015
Cardinal Kaspar changed ecclesiology assuming B is an exception to A : he used an irrational model to interpret Vatican Council II

The same false reasoning is there in the writings of Prof. Gavin D'Costa  a Catholic professor of theology at the University of Bristol, England.
Image result for Photo Prof Gavin D'Costa 
1. On the University of Bristol video, Prof. Gavin D’Costa,a liberal Catholic professor of theology, assumed that ‘ a ray of Truth’ mentioned in Nostra Aetate 2 is explicit for us. So Nostra Aetate is considered an exception to the traditional teaching on salvation.
This is objectively wrong and is the same mistake made by the liberal Cardinal Walter Kasper in the text above.
Image result for Photo Fr.Jean Marie Gleize
2.In 2013 Bishop Fellay wrote the preface for the book written by the SSPX theologian Fr.Jean Marie Gleaze, Vaticano II- Un Dibattito Aperto (Editrice Ichthys). He recommended the book.
Fr.Jean Marie Glleize says in this book that in Mystici Corporis Pope Pius XII says ‘ in the exceptional way one can be saved outside the visible limits of the Catholic Church.’ How can there be an exceptional way to the dogmatic teaching? We do not know any explicit, visible case which could be an exception. If there are no known exceptions how can there be an exceptional way ?
Fr.Gleize is making the same error as the other priests and bishops of the SSPX in assuming that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, imperfect communion with the Church etc are visible exceptions. In faith we accept the baptism of desire as being implicit. It is a possibility. It is not an exception.It is hypothetical and not an exception to Feeneyite EENS.
Fr.Gleize is the professor of Ecclesiology at the SSPX seminary in Econe.It can be seen he is making the same error as Cardinal Kasper and Gavin D'Costa.
3.The same reasoning is used by Massimo Faggioli to reject traditional documents of the Church. He assumes there is known salvation outside the Church and then reject the past exclusivist ecclesiology. So it is then a rejection of the past ecumenism of return and the Syllabus of Errors.
 Image result for Photo Fr.Jean Marie Gleaze Ecclesiology Econe  

-Lionel Andrades

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